Observations of Power Rangers

The original Pink Ranger was hot.

Contacts in which field, Power rangers or gay porn? Because either way, I’m fascinated.

Father of four here. Allow me: Ranger Central. Everything you could ever want to know about PR.

Oh my God, that shit is STILL ON? Wow.

I was a daycamp counselor for a few years, and that stupid show was the bane of my existence at the time. We had to outlaw any and all Power Ranger references at the camp, because the kids would ALWAYS try to pull Power Ranger moves, and they would either:
a) Fail spectacularly, injuring the perpetrator or
b) Succeed spectacularly, injuring the targeted kid.

We had kids jumping off tables, off stairs, kicking each other in the head, plowing full tilt into walls, etc. etc. etc. Kids do that kind of thing anyway, but once we banned Power Rangers, the incidents dropped to maybe one a week, rather than several a day.

Yeah, the original Yellow Ranger grew an extra appendage whenever she morphed into her costumed form. :wink:

(I used to enjoy the original MMPR, back when it was all high camp and quality Japanese martial-arts fighting. The later stuff lost too much of the latter to keep me.)

Ever seen the original Japanese shows uncut? That’s some weird business by western standards. I’ve got a run of Zyuranger (the show the first version of MMPR was based on) original and undubbed. It’s very, very different from the American version. Characters die, horrible things happen, angst for everyone, the bad gal ends up as a sympathetic character, and everyone goes to heaven at the end, kind of. (Let’s not forget the baby in the gold battle helmet in the very last scene of the last episode!)

What’s really funny is watching an episode of the Japanese version back-to-back with the episode of the American version that borrowed the footage. Some of the convolutions the American writers went to to get the most out of the Japanese footage defy belief.

Amazingly. I stopped paying attention a few years back–as far as I’m concerned, MMPR died after the end of Rangers in Space, at which point the continuing storyline was cut off (At least Bulk and Scull got their wish :)). I was already losing interest at that point, so I didn’t bother really getting into the later incarnations.

This is why Power Rangers is so lame :rolleyes:

Then they could have had him hang out with the lone ranger. :stuck_out_tongue: