Octoberfest Beerfest


Danke schoen?

Hey, it’s about to start right?

Actually, it is about to END.
Contrary to popular belief, Oktoberfest (in Munich) starts about mid-September and ends the first weekend of October.

Lots of Americans (and people from other countries as well) show up mid October, ready to party at Oktoberfest- only to find it is over. The good news is that Munich has lots of huge beer gardens, so you can still party - but it won’t be the same as the grand festival with carnival rides, huge beer garden tents and more drunks than you have ever seen in you life.

Oktoberfest is an event you really only have to experience once.

Well, actually it just started on Saturday, so it’s not really about to end yet, there’s still time till the 5th…

There is also a smaller version held in mid-April at the same location as the Oktoberfest. We were in Munich this year and caught the tail-end of it.

I’ve almost gone a couple of times - and looks like this time ain’t the charm either.

Well, there’s always next year :slight_smile:

Duh…I should look at my calendar more often…I thought this was the last week of September…oops.

Anybody know how much a liter of beer is going for this year? The prices seem to go up faster than gas prices in the US.