Octopus here's your own thread to shit all over

Holy shit, man. Holy shit. I go away for three years and you become an utter raving lunatic.

Left Hand of Dorkness:

This is very true. I saw a torture chamber organized by some social justice warriors. JK Rowling was stretched on a rack, and I heard her screams as her body was torn apart. Louis CK was in the iron maiden, and his blood pooled on the floor and ran toward the drain. And out front, the SJWs were building an actual pyre around a stake to which they’d lashed a local Blue Lives Matter activist; and soon we knew that his fat would bubble from his flesh as he screamed for mercy.

But none of this compared to the literal crusade they were organizing against the entire state of Idaho, where they planned to dash the heads of unbelievers’ babies against the cobblestones in an effort to reclaim the state for their leftist gods.

I’m so glad you made this incredibly important and accurate point.


You don’t see me banning, deplatforming, silencing, or physically assaulting others based on hypocritical or contrived standards of wokeful purity. The woke on the other hand are. If they had more real power then they currently do LHOD’s attempt at satire would be a reality.

WTF man. WTF. If you can’t make a reasonable argument just please stay the fuck out of the conversation.