Octopus here's your own thread to shit all over

The other one really ought to be in the NYT. This one you should submit to, oh, I don’t know, Mother Jones, I guess.

Don’t get them mixed up.

You know, I’ve been trying to tell people for 5 years that Donald Trump was gangster and a criminal and the federal government was going to be converted / was being converted / had been converted into a criminal organization and no one else seemed to think it was that bad.

It’s horrible, but along with everything else I feel sort of vindicated and I’m not pulling any punches.

You had me til the beer can. Jus’ saying…

I’m not one of the conspiracy nut Republicans. I’m more of get the judiciary and keep the socialists out of power type Republicans.

If you genuinely believe Democrats are “socialists”, you’re farting seeds right now.

Given that the “conservative judiciary and conservative rule” Republicans don’t seem to be able to win elections without grovelling to the conspiracy-nut Republicans, I’m not sure that distinction is particularly meaningful.

I mean, it’s nice if you yourself don’t believe in conservative delusional conspiracy theories and “alternative facts”, of course. But if all the candidates you vote for have to spout conservative delusional conspiracy theories and “alternative facts” in order to get elected, and you can’t correct your fellow Republicans about their delusional conspiracy theories and “alternative facts” without being denounced (or possibly murdered) as a “traitor”, then how much difference does it really make?

Are you kidding? He’s not going to tell his fellow octopi they’re delusional conspiracy theorists. They might freeze him out and he’ll have to stay here full time.


That’s some seriously dumb shit right there.

“Socialist” means “someone I don’t like because they contradict the stupid shit I spew with actual facts”

You think the rioters, arsonists, and other assorted hoodlums and riff raff that inflicted 100s of millions of dollars of damage attacking courthouses, police stations, and other symbols of the democracy were devoid of left wing socialists and communist sympathizers? C’mon man!

You forgot “Rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.”

You fucking stupid muppet.

Well, that’s better than being a deliberately blind loon that excuses the death and destruction over the summer by radical leftists because acknowledging the truth is politically inconvenient. Try intellectual honesty and consistency. It doesn’t burn. Might not win you woke points at the convention though.

this is what you said

Then you said this.

There is no danger that the few nuts in those crowds that might be socialist or communist sympathizes are going to achieve power in the Democratic Party. You don’t have to vote Republican to “keep the socialists out of power.” Biden and Harris are safe choices for those that like the status quo.

Don’t you have some seditionist buddies to go bail out of prison? Maybe head over to Parler to see if they…

Oh right.

Never mind.

Are there socialist politicians in the US allied with the Democratic Party? Of course there are. But they tend to be in very low level, local positions. The party as a whole is not socialist and a true socialist would have problems getting very far in it. For an example, Kshama Sawant is a Seattle City Councilwoman who is a member of the Socialist Alternative party, who are Trotskyists. While not a member of the Democratic Party, she has been endorsed by them.

Seattle is very much on the left, yet she was the first socialist to win a citywide election there since 1916. Socialists just can’t really get very far in American politics, even in places where they are most likely to be embraced.

The closet thing to a socialist politician I can think of at the national level who sides with Democrats is Bernie Sanders, and he’s an independent, so he’s not even in the party. And he is a democratic socialist, not the kind of socialist that Democrats are accused of being (for example, his political theory is opposed to authoritarian Marxism). It’s a bogeyman argument from the right.

Desperate attempt to draw a false equivalence with the right-wing domestic terrorist attack by casually dropping the words “and other symbols of democracy” into the sentence noted.

Attempt to imply that the existence of even one left-wing socialist and/or community sympathizers at protests justifies the assertion that the Democratic Party has a socialist agenda also noted.

The reason we keep referring to you as a disingenuous asshole is not because we’re all a “hivemind”. It’s because you constantly demonstrate it through things like this. But I understand why you do it - for many right-wingers, accountability for one’s words and actions are for other people.

You may not have a big greasy watermelon of lies stuck up your butt, but you’re no virgin. That one’s a cucumber, maybe.

The protests were horrible but they were not nearly as violent or widespread as you’ve been led to believe. All my friends live in New York and most have been utterly unaffected by them and never saw a burned down building or looted store. Most of those protesters have very little coherent political ideology, they are mostly just angry about the way society treats them. You’d be hard pressed to find one that knows Karl Marx from Groucho Marx.

The summer protest and last week’s attempted government overthrow do have one thing in common - President Trump stood around throwing gas on the fires.

Nobody of any political significance wants to implement socialism. There are a handful of Congressional Reps from deep blue districts that call themselves Democratic Socialists, but they don’t represent our party anymore than Louie Gohmert represents yours.

Except, of course, your party has gone off the rails and is trying to stage a violent overthrow of the government just so people like Louie Gohmert can run the world. Because your party is weak, stupid and corrupt.

Herein lies the conundrum. Dumb people make dumb mistakes. A bunch of dumb people (Republicans) made a series of dumb mistakes and…long story short, ended up held hostage by the extremists in their party, led by a mentally ill Chief Executive. Now this faction that’s holding them hostage wants to start a Civil War and they’re in a pickle.

And one of the reasons they want to start that war is because they think the Democrats will make the same series of dumb mistakes that they did. They that we will be held hostage by our extremist wing and forced to impose socialism. Democrats will not be held hostage by their extremists because they are too smart to do dumb things like vote for a malignant narcissist conman to be leader of the free world but Republicans are too dumb to see that…

This had me laughing SO hard

When I was an intern in a large teaching hospital they had a so-called trophy room where they collected all the stuff they had succesfully removed from people’s asses…

Completely unexpected use of the word “trophy”.

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that in a few cases that’s a literal usage.

Not seen in a hospital, but first real trophy I thought it would qualify.
