Odd foods your pets love: second edition

Mine did the same, only it turned out she *loved *marshmallows. I, too, have seen her enjoy (canned) green beans, though I don’t know if it was the salt.

Our indoor cat, Cleo, loves Doritoes, Wendy’s Frosties, vanilla ice cream and the insides of french fries. Jack, our barn kitty, will eat the horse’s feed, esp the wheat and corn.

My MiL has a cat that requires shredded cabbage on a daily basis.

I have a cat that thinks she’s one of the dogs, and will sell her feline soul for an ice cube to lick and chase. My dogs will eat anything, so there’s nothing remarkable or surprising there.

ETA: My now deceased Boxer was a big fan of boiled shrimp.

My yorkiepoo is annoyed with me at the moment because I’ve just finished breakfast and I forgot to give her the last bite of buttered toast.

Our cat is pretty picky in what he eats – cat food must have fish in it; and he’ll only eat white meat poultry.

But the weirdest thing is that he loved olives. Black or green. He will lick them and try to eat them, even though his teeth isn’t designed for it, so he ends up breaking them apart. It may have to do with the olive oil.

I discovered the other day that my dog goes absolutely apeshit for those shrimp crackers you get with Thai food. I knew he loved cheese and yogurt and tuna and all that stuff, but I’ve never seen anything like this. I got him a massive marrow bone last month and even THAT didn’t excite him as much as these stupid nasty shrimp crackers. He was relentless. I’ve never seen him try to crawl into the fridge after anything before.

re: Scotch - my friend reports that a friend of his once gave his Lab some single malt scotch, and the dog loved it. My friend was like “Hey! That’s expensive! Give him the cheap stuff!” so they offered him a blended scotch - and he turned up his nose at it.

They put the single malt back out and he loved it still.

My godawful ratdog will eat anything that does not eat her first. Anything!

Her more spectacular dining adventures include a 1 lb bag of Hersheys Kisses stolen from my old roommate. Vet bill and she didn’t die. 2 ant poison traps, also courtesy of my roomie, bigger vet bill and she still didn’t die, although I almost broke my neck in the middle of the night slipping on the intensely slimey vomit she left all over my bedroom.

Over 4 lbs of fudge, chocolate chip cookies and candy one of my sons left out, biggest vet bill yet and she still didn’t die, but the vets and all the techs were in absolute awe after viewing the x-rays and seeing how stuffed she was from eshopagas to bunghole.

When the endtimes come, there will be only rats, pigeons, cockroaches and the ratdog. The rats, pigeons and cockroaches best be on their toes.

My Mom had a black Lab that ate lettuce. He also like Saltine crackers, but if you didn’t put butter on it first, he’d drop it on your foot and wait for you to butter it up.

My aunt had an Irish Setter that liked to hold lit cigars in it’s mouth.

We just found out this week that one of our cats likes Grape Jello and cottage cheese.

The other one likes Cheetos and the nacho Doritos. But we’ve known that for awhile.

Both of 'em like cheddar cheese.

My wife has three cats – the dog, the spaz and the retard.
The spaz will continue to attempt to gain access to the dining table whenever pasta is served. Spaghetti, macaroni, ziti, penne it doesn’t matter. He’ll keep trying to get up on the table from various directions until he makes it to a plate or platter, grabs a mouthful and runs off to eat it.
Not cute at all, just a big pain in the ass if you ask me…

Our first dog loved mustard. Pure. And not the sweet variety.

My kitty loves oranges. Peeling an orange will bring her running from any part of the house.

My cat loves McDonald’s French Fries. It was destiny that we found each other.

One other thing Cleo loves is donuts—the cake variety, thank you, none of that glazed silliness.

Ariel goes bonkers anytime a can of corn or chickpeas gets opened up. In fact, she makes more of a fuss over those than she does over tuna, strange quasi-vegetarian creature that she is. Sadly, she’s not permitted to have either of those things anymore, now that she’s been diagnosed with diabetes and changed to a special diet.

Morgan, on the other hand, still hasn’t figured out that cat treats are edible. She’s a one-kibble kinda gal (actually, we suspect her sense of smell might be a bit off as a result of respiratory infections as a kitten).

Cat Lenny goes apeshit for green beans and snow peas. Cat Squiggy loves jalapenos. We have to be very careful with those around the house. The thieving bastard will eat the peppers off your pile of nachos.

I was opening a bag of frozen green beans and a few flew onto the floor. My dog gobbled them up and asked for seconds. I thought that was really weird, but this thread seems to indicate that green beans are popular.

He usually gets the last bite of whatever I’m eating (unless there’s chocolate, onions, or jalapenos involved) and has yet to refuse anything…piece of lettuce, bite of banana, apple core, corn cob, you name it.

Growing up, our kitty loved cantaloupe with a passion.

Our current cat, though has never showed any interest in human food, so we could afford to be cavalier on what we left lying around in her vicinity. That changed when she discovered her first slice of cheesecake.

Chinchillas as a species go crazy for raisins, for some reason. Weird considering their natural diet is dead grass and rocks. Mine also will fight each other for dried cranberries.

My guinea pig used to LOVE lunchmeat, and ham most of all. We found this out accidentally, when we were hanging out with him and having a snack. He went nuts–started lunging for the meat in our hands. We gave him a few test scraps (thinking it was maybe the honey glaze he smelled) but he ate everything we gave him and begged for more. I explained to him repeatedly that he was a strict vegetarian, but he wasn’t having any of it.

And not weird food at all, but maybe weird behavior: whenever I make shredded chicken, the cats come over for a taste. I make them work for it. So far I’ve taught them “sit” and “up” (meaning stand up to get the food). I’m working on “speak” next. Luckily no one has told them cats can’t be trained.

Kitt insists on an olive out of my martini as tribute to his kingliness. (I suck all the gin off of them first).

Last night I made a tray of tea and lemon cake for me and my husband, and caught Bitey eating the lemon cake. She has never really had an affinity for people food unless it’s chicken or ham, so it struck me as really odd. I always heard cats hate citrus.