Odd places you've found your cat.

This thread and the fact I just recovered a MIA cat has inspired a new subject I find amusing.
What odd places have you found a cat?

The first cat I was allowed to keep, I found in the sewer on the way home from Driver’s Ed.
He was meowing his little head off to be rescued so my friend got down there and after successfully smacking his noggin on the grating a few good times I had a new kitty.

Then there have been several times when a cat would get too nosy about the contents of the fridge and got shut in there for a few seconds.

I remember someone mentioning finding their cat in their mailbox.

So, what unusual places have you found your pet?
And what was your pets’ excuse? :smiley:

Flossy (RIP) enjoyed sleeping in fruit baskets. We aquired this basket that would probably fit one large orange. Sure enough Flossy slept in it.

Yesterday, he was in the litter box. Asleep.

A few days before, I found all 9 pounds of his massive white fluffiness crammed into a shoebox from a pair of sandals.

Once when he was small, I heard a scratching noise from inside the drawer to one of those VHS cassette holder thingies…let him out, but how did he get in there in the first place? And how did he close the drawer behind himself?

When my furball was a little kitten I once found him in one of my knee-high boots.

Khan escaped once, and I found him (three torturous days later) in the basement of my apartment building, curled up inside a large tire. (White cat + basement dust = vaguely beige cat.)

When Sirius was a kitten, I shut him in the crisper for longer than I care to admit because I wasn’t paying attention and he was curious.

I once got as far as the building laundry room when I found Sirius in the basket underneath all the laundry–and he was still asleep.

My 13-pound cat sleeps in a little shoebox all the time. It’s his shoebox. We bought him a kitty bed and everything, but no, he wants the box. We tried a bigger box… he still tries to squeeze himself into the little one, with parts of him squishing all over the sides. Looks painful, but he can sleep there all day.

I once found Cricket, my little white cat, in my pants leg. She likes to wonder around the bathroom while I’m, um, you know, thinking. Anyway, I was reading, and she had apparently found her way under the edge of my nice black pants. I was on my way to speak with a client I was doing writing for, and was already wearing my boots, so I didn’t feel her climb in. But when I finished up and stood up to button up, I found that I had an enraged kitten in my pants! :eek:

Elvis loves the knee-high (a.k.a. “sexy bitch boots”) boots. He’ll stick his little head in though and run like hell, so all you see is the boot speeding across the floor, with a tail sticking out of the end.

Quite the vision. :smiley:

I once had a cat escape while I was living in an apartment complex. I looked for days, and people kept telling me that they had seen him. So I took a box of cat food and stood around shaking it, near the spot where he had been seen. A couple of minutes later, I saw my 12 lb cat crawl out of the drier vent for the building laundry room. He was spring-time fresh and wrinkle-free for days after that.

One of Moody’s favorite resting places is on top of the shelf of sweatpants. When it’s full, there is just enough room for her. She has also slept in shoe boxes where she’s hanging out on all sides, in open drawers, with her head stuck through my sandals, and with her nose in my shoes and in my fuzzy slippers.

Moody likes to get up high. I’ve found her doing a balancing act on a room divider thingy. And whenever I pull out my larger ladder, she greets it with the enthusiasm one normally associates with long distance lovers, and immediately runs to the top.
Then there was when one of the two cats managed to open the stereo CD drawer and I found Moody sitting on it. That CD player didn’t last very long, I wonder why?
But I think the strangest is not where I find her, but how she’s laying around. Huh?

Majyk just luuuuuuuvs the refrigerator.

Open door, grab drink, close door. Open door again two hours later, out pops a Majyksicle. He does it so damn fast that you never even notice he jumped in.

I try and keep a lot of stuff on the lowest shelf anymore, to run interference.

Stupid cat. :stuck_out_tongue:

We used to have a cat who would sleep in the sink. This is the same cat who would happily ride in a baby stroller while my friends and I pushed him around the neighborhood.

Our cat, WC , was once boarded up into the outside wall of an addition onto our house for a couple/three days. IIRC, she’d gone in to have a batch of kittens, we didn’t know it, and hubby hammered the final boards in place. Luckily, after she had her kittens, she started making noises to get out and we heard her.

We found (and photographed) Tybalt curled up on the dirt in a large unused flower pot on our back porch. It’s sooooooo cute. If I get time, I’ll find the pic and hook up the scanner so y’all can see it.

My wife was doing the laundry and stopped the dryer to pull a few shirts out to hang up so they wouldn’t get wrinkled. Unbeknownst to her, the cat, sensing a warm, soft place to sleep, jumped in. She closed the door and started it.

He got to go for a ride, until my wife realized from the noise something was very wrong. When she opened the door, the cat jumped out. His dignity was ruffled, but he was otherwise unharmed.

I’ve posted this before… but oh what the heck. I’m a proud momma and when the opportunity arises, I whip out this picture, which is one of the strangest places I’ve found them both in together.

Bastian loves to stuff herself into the tiniest, most impossible places for some reason… she’s a pretty large cat. She has a little “game” she likes to play, where she will try to get me or hubby (or her adopted sister Kero when we don’t respond) to chase her - when she finds herself supposedly cornered, she’ll say “AHA! Thought you had me, didn’t you?” And proceed to throw herself into a tiny crack somewhere, like behind our huge dresser, which, between the wall and the dresser, can’t be wider than two inches. We will hear much scuffling, adjusting, heavy cat breathing… then finally… silence. I will move the heavy dresser away from the wall, slowly… revealing a flickering cat tail… cat bum… hind legs… torso… front legs… then finally, cat head, with her ears laid back flat on her head - no, not angry, as it sounds… but sprawled out as flat as felinely possible so she could fit underneath the damn dresser, which again - has no more than a two inch clearance from the floor. She always looks completely startled that we’ve found her… and the chase is on again. But usually by then, after moving the dresser to get the fool cat out of there, we’re just too tired to bother. She eventually throws herself at our feet, breathes a deep sigh, and tells us we’re old fogeys. Fool cat.

It’s not so much where I’ve found my kitten, but how.

I got a cat about two weeks ago, and he sleeps vertically. As in, he’s climbing onto the back of the couch and sleeps with his front paws on the top of the couch and his hind ones on the couch cushion.

I’d think he just pulled a kitten “fell asleep mid climb”, but I’ve seen him position himself to get it just right before he falls asleep.

  • Rebekkah

Between the main door and the outer screen door.

It’s easy to see how it happened though. It was just after we got home, so he would have come running to get inside after being out all day. He got there after the main door (heavy wood) had been closed, but before the screen door shut itself. A few minutes later, we were treated to the sound of scratching at the door, and a flash of grey through the window of the door.

When our other cat was still small, she liked to play behind the TV, and from time to time she would poke her head through the space between the VCR and the shelf above it. We also have cabinets beneath the bay window, one on each side but there’s a space connecting them above the recess in the middle She’s tried to crawl through there before as well. We wouldn’t let her. And I could go on about all her favorite places to sleep.

Gia likes to sleep on my lap, on her back with my keyboard across her. This is, in fact, the only way that I can convince her to sleep on my lap.

Dillinger doesn’t fit into too many places, so he’s usually pretty easy to spot. :wink:


I like cats. :slight_smile: