Oddest thing or question you've had put to you lately:

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but do you happen to have a robotic eye? No? How about mechanical eye parts?”

This was 30 seconds into my first eye exam in a decade. Apparantly my eye broke the machine!*

*(calcium deposits: I have ‘The Milky Way in there!’ was my last optometrist’s comment; this recent technician had no idea why the machine was completely freaking out readings-wise) :stuck_out_tongue:

It never really gets old, but yet ANOTHER person asked me today if I knew there was a rat on my shoulder.

Seriously? Do people have that happen to them accidently very much? Where do these people come from?

Did ya ever think about cutting them off? (my legs, that is)

So… you walk around town with a… with a rat… on your shoulder?

Sometimes. Mostly I sit on my front porch with a rat on my shoulder, enjoying the evening and sharing a little bit of wine :slight_smile:

Does the rat beg for the wine? Do you let him/her have any?

My cats occasionally show interest in wine I’m drinking. I don’t let them have any, though, because it’s supposed to be bad for them.

Ok, I have to ask…assuming you’re mobility-challenged, why on earth would people think it’d be any better to just not have them there at all? Or are you just in possession of a pair of comparatively long longs that look like they forgot to stop growing? :stuck_out_tongue:

Either way…hope whoever asks that is joking :slight_smile:

As to the rat thing, the ‘Do you realize that…’ about an obvious but unusual thing is just a funny/smartalecky/not-so-clever-apparantly way of starting a conversation about something which is never going to be got 'round to in any but the most clumsy way. :stuck_out_tongue: