Oddly enough, I have a LEGAL question about the RealDoll sex doll.

Alright, you guys are kiling me! :stuck_out_tongue:

Post-rental sanitizing of course would be essential. I am reminded of a medical puzzle I once read about in which several crew members on a tramp steamer all came down with VD after an extended cruise with no port visits, even though they all swore they hadn’t had sex with anyone else on board. Turns out one of the crew members was renting out his inflatable sex doll, and that’s how the epidemic spread.


RealDoll has competition!

People, these things were profiled on ‘Real Sex’ or some such similar show a couple of years ago…No-one remembers this?

They showed a couple (yes, a guy and a girl) ordering one of the dolls (a female issue) and they were able to pick all the options they wanted. Even showed how they made em. Fantastic!

Heh, I was expecting boos and shunning for my stupid joke. Heh.

You shouldn’t: it was funny as hell.

I find this thread to be quite interesting, from a “fighting ignorance” point of view:

Would a bordello of RealDolls run afoul of anti-prostitution laws?

That’s a valid question, in my book; and I don’t have an answer to it.

What about a “Juvenile Model (such as an accurate replica of MaryKate Olsen when she was eleven years old)?”

What about a “Non-human Model (such as the aforementioned German Shepherd)?”

What about an artificial Carley Patterson? i’m sure that Very Few people would admit to wanting one of these, but it wouldn’t surprise me if many more of them would order them privately–provided their identities were sufficiently concealed.

I’m half-inclined to email the RealDoll guy, and invite him to join this discussion. He might be able to provide some insight to this particular phenomenon…

Wa-a-a-lll…schyte. I’m sitting here with time to spare, so I wanted to address this…for the purposes of accuracy. The post I was responding to above was thus:

The reason that I wanted to clarify my point is because my response seemed ambiguious. I wasn’t trying to (and didn’t intend to) claim that the Japanese site in question was deliberately catering to pedophiles. The question that was asked was “what the legal implications would be if they built one of those in a children’s size”. The appendage of “to appeal to the pedophile market” was (while quite an understandable assumption) not inherent in the original website (I say that without being able to reading the Japanese that the website was filled with).

Og dammit! I had a coherent response to this. My computer ate it.

John Ashcroft is eating my posts.

Give me a while: I had a good response to this, but it seems to have evaporated, and the chip in my head is preventing me from recovering my thinking patternsl.


I saw that episode of Real Sex.

I want one of their male dolls. He’d be a fantastic conversation piece.

[Frustrated whine]

But what if they love you? I mean, how often do we hear about a dog humping someone’s leg? Why can’t we give them what they wa-a-a-a-a-nnnt? Is that so WRONG???"

[/Frustrated whine]

[Note to self: Be VERY clear when posting satirical comments, lest people get the wrong idea.]

At any rate (to continue from an earlier meme-path):

I wasn’t trying to claim that the Japanese site was deliberately catering to pedophiles (although maybe they were: I can’t read Japanese); only that they were marketing dolls which resembled very young girls (which would certainly appeal to pedophiles).

I recall a total length measurement of about 4 1/2 feet for one of the models (140 cm…150 cm? Something like that).

My only point was that there are potentially more reasons than that one for such a doll to appeal to people.

Just didn’t want to unjustly impugn, and all that…

Did you get the impression that the couple were a setup specifically for the show? In other words, they were fakers who were being used to make potential RealDoll customers believe that it wasn’t just lonely single guy losers who were buying these things? (Of course, based on our user names, you and I might not expect to agree on everything.)

Are there any Doper babes here who would happily buy a RealDoll with their SO to liven up their sex lives? (Money issues aside, of course.) It just seems like too much of a guy thing to me.

I’ve got to say that after looking at the RealDoll site for a while, I began to get a little creeped out, because I started thinking, well, if I were going to get one, I’d get this model, maybe with this color hair… And from there it was easy to imagine someone developing a “relationship” with one of these things, instead of with another human being, liking it better than a real person because it always did what you wanted, and slowly slipping further and further from reality. ::shudder::

Well, in this sense we agree.

I remember that episode. They were 20-somethings with a lot of disposable income, with a house that would have fit in well on MTV Cribs. I’m pretty sure that the guy was in a band (just his look, I’d say a band that sounded a lot like 311), but they were never identified by name, though they did get naked on camera with the doll. Fun!

They also interviewed a much creepier middle-aged guy (a writer, IIRC) who swore up and down that he didn’t actually have sex with his doll.

It was off of Salon - a quick Google search will find it (not sure if the link is appropriate on the boards).

I wrote an article that has a lot to do with this thread. Here’s the link: the article is NOT work safe, but it’s a two-step link, so don’t nobody claim they wuz surprised …

The Trouble with Robobabes

Well, I can tell you that $250.00 (USD) would get you:
A. About an hour of straight sex with what most people would describe as a “Top Shelf” working girl. (Nevada prices)
B. In a smaller brothel, anywhere from 5 hours to an “outcall” for the evening.

At first glance, that $250.00 seems a little steep. But you may be dealing with “specialists” here.
Fans of Deadwood know that in the immortal (fictionalised) words of Al Swearengen:
“Specialists pay a premium, and don’t cause trouble.”

And who could ask for anything more from thier clientele?

Am I the only one to take this entirely the wrong way?

Animals wasn’t what I first thought of when you said this.
I went immediately to the endless supply of trekkie geeks looking for Klingon girlfriends. There are actually some websites out there with “Nude Klingons” and other hilarious stuff avilable. This should be right up their alley.
Celebrity look alike sex dolls. That’s the ticket. Wonder how many Britney or Brad dolls they could sell the first month?
We should all pitch in and try this out. Sell 'em at the dopestore…
-Unca Cecil dolls? :dubious:
-How about it. Any other dopers wanna volunteer themselves as a model.
-Hi Opal :smiley:

just kiddin :wink:

No you’re not.


Y’know, you actually might be on to something. Real Dolls that are based on the look of a certain celebrity might not be a bad idea.

At very least, if you can’t get a true A-list celebrity, I’m sure there are lots of porn stars out there that would LOVE to have a “signature model.”* I’m honestly surprised that nobody has approached them about this.

*Are you listening, Jenna Jameson?