With Robert Burns night coming right up, I thought I’d have a go at memorizing his poem or maybe trying to acquire a haggis. There are few establishments nearby that have related events this weekend. The Celtic themed shop in Bethlehem, Donagal Square, has a tea shop in the back and they are hosting a whisky tasting. I think I’ll go there.
I once knew someone who claimed to have once found canned haggis. I had never before dared to google and see if it were true. Hang on.
Well, the first link is to a band called Canned Haggis. Not bad.
I had that canned haggis a few years ago. I even made a thread about it. It was pretty good. Of course having never had any other haggis, I don’t have any bar to measure it with. I also made my neeps and something else. It was a fine dinner.