I have a part time job at a place where all the other employees, except a very small few, are also part timers. Also given the nature of our jobs we don’t really interact all that much if at all, even though we all work together to create the end product.
Well, one of my co workers caught my 34 year old eye. Not your typical “hottie”, but she seemed to have a certain “verve” that was very attractive. mmmmm…
Yes, I’ve thought thoughts. Some better than most, but mostly of the prior. So on the rare occasion that I could find out some info I find out that the object of my affliction is
17 years old !!!
I keep getting older and they keep getting younger.
Totally random, but I just learned the other day about Grant’s General Order No. 11, issued after the taking of Memphis by Union troops. General Order No. 11 banned all Jews – I kid you not – from the state of Tennessee. Some petitioning to Lincoln resulted in the order’s rescission, and Grant had some ‘splainin’ to do when he ran for president, but there you go.
And this concludes the Random Facts about Tennessee Hijack of the Thread.
Well hey, it’s not like you went looking for an underaged girl to have sexual fantsies about. You found yourself attracted to someone, THEN found out the age (among other things, I’m sure), and now you’re feeling a little icky about it. Pretty normal, I think.
Say 14 Hail Cecils, genuflect towards your computer, and go surf for some online porn.
It could be worse. No, really. Honestly. Much, much worse. When I think of how, I’ll let you know. Besides, like Dave said, there will be company. Plenty of Dopers, I’m sure. I’m headed towards the 5th Level of Hell, for the Wrathful and Gloomy. I’ll be sure to wave on my way through.
Actually, it looks like you’re in the clear. I’ve heard tell that cigarettes and Zima work wonders. (And **NO JOKES ABOUT MY LOCATION, M’KAY? **) You’re also not alone at all.
Searching For Truth, it could have been worse. If he’d have found out after his fantasy came true. A buddy and I have a standard comment we make when one of us spots an underage hottie, “Will the defendant please rise.”
You might want to check out a song by the The Fugs entitled “Dirty Old Man.” It’s a goal to achieve, truly.
I lived in El Paso for several years, and didn’t think it was so bad. Probably not the entrance point to the Fiery Nether Regions.* But there is a thread in GQ on statutory rape (here), in which I learned that even minors having sex with each other is illegal in some states. What this has to do with Tennessee, Alabama, or West Virginia, I’ll leave to your imagination.
*No, this is not a euphemism for lieu’s anal pustules.
Sorry this made me laugh… I am a bartender and see it all the time. I remember what I looked at 17…and how many times I said I was…ummmm…well more “mature”.NOW I am the mother of two. We went to my daughters dance recital and the 16 -18 yr old group??? Oy vey… belly piercings… and one had a small tattoo… shouldn’t they be playing with Barbie’s?? lol… sigh I am gettin more “mature” this is the payback for all the times I said I was older…= :smack:
I’ve just gotten confirmation that my 5 bedroom condo overlooking the Lake of Souls and with a view of the Mountains of Doom is ready. Party at my place!