"Oh dear, santorum. Pass me a kleenex."

Sen. Rick Santorum is probably still depressed about the recent Supreme Court ruling, but I see no reason not to try to make his life worse.

He is, of course, the Senator who can’t differentiate between homosexuality and adultery or incest, and who doesn’t believe Americans should have any right to privacy in their own bedrooms, because…well, goodness, what they might get up to!

Therefore I am offically (it may have been mentioned here before) introducing SDMB to Dan Savage’s campaign to make “santorum” synonymous with (ahem) “the frothy mixture of fecal matter and lube which is the occasional biproduct of anal sex.”

On the grounds that if it catches on and he hears about it, it will make him uncomfortable. Much as his words (coming from a United States Senator) have made all of us uncomfortable.

Please intoduce this word into your vocabulary and use it often (although actual santorum can be easily avoided with an enema :)).

I’m betting I’m not the only one who got that weeks ago from reading his column.


I read it as well, Mockingbird. I voted for one of the other options, though… :wink:

Under my present, ah, orientation,which I have every reason to believe is permanent, I very much doubt that I would ever have occassion to use the term.

But thanks for sharing.

Women have one too, you know. And it doesn’t take a man to do it to you.

I got it too. I nearly busted a gut laughing.

It is my personal mission to register to vote-so I can kick his sorry ass out of office in 2006.

He’s better than Arlen “Single-Bullet” Specter. That’s what’s scary.

I defy you, Airman, to prove to me or anyone else with more than one and a half brain cells AND on this MB that there is only one “scary” in the US Govt (i.e. congresscritters, senators, etc).


Eeewww, yecchh! There’s a condom here with Santorum all over it.

Just trying out out. Works for me. :wink:

MPSIMS: “Aww, man, we got santorum all over the sheets.”

IMHO: “Just how nasty is santorum? (TMI!)”

GQ: “Can someone tell me how to get santorum out of cotton sheets?”

Cafe Society: “Origin of the term ‘Santorum’?”

The Pit: “(Mod) is so full of santorum!”

Yea, looks pretty good.


That’s something I could have lived without knowing.

Ha! I kept thinking about mentioning this campaign too. Thanks for posting it! Let the name santorum ring far and wide.

‘Santorum’ sounds more like a bacterial infection. Frothy poo and lube doesn’t quite cut it for me. Nope. Has to be burning, inflamed genital tissue, 'cause that’s what people in positions of power who push their narrow-minded, ignorant views deserve.

Let’s call anal froth ‘Ashcroft’. It sounds so much better. Think about it–‘Ashcroft’. The first syllable sounds like ‘ass’, for crying out loud! Here, let’s try this out:

‘I got Ashcroft in my Bush, giving me a case of Santorum that took weeks to clear up.’

How’s that?


I’m afraid santorum would leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Y’know, I would have been perfectly happy to go through life never having considered the existence of poop froth. That is one bit of ignorance I think might have been best left unfought. Thanks a lot, guys.

I laughed until I cried, Lodrain.

That’s the spirit, GMR.

(Incidentally Savage’s column this week deals entirely with questions using the word “santorum”. Apparently the best advice for sheets with santorum stains is lighter fluid and a match. :D)