Oh give me a fucking break. Duhbya's military records.

What we need is a man on the inside, someone with big fucking socks to take it to the people…

Are you the President of these here United States Mr. Moto?
Have you claimed to have opened all relevant service records regarding your national guard days to examination?

If you can answer no to both of these questions, I want nothing from you.
If you must answer yes to both of these questions, I want to see your service records, pay stubs and and all. That’s what you said you’d show me.
Simple isn’t it?
I shouldn’t have to file a lawsuit to get you to do what you have said you would do. Or are you not a man of your word?

So, what, you’re saying Dubya lied? Big deal. When come back, bring news.

I don’t understand this. According to the link in the OP,

It may not “shed light” but isn’t it a confirmation that the man wasn’t paid? And if the man wasn’t paid, then he probably wasn’t there?

Forgive me, I really haven’t been following this story. It’s always been kinda boring to me, though I always admire others who keep on top of things.

What am I missing? Doesn’t this damn the man even more? I mean, weren’t they looking for records to see if he was paid and if he was paid it would be in the records and that would prove he was there? So now we have 2 different sets of records that show Bush wasn’t paid.


I’m so confused.

Ignorance is Strength.
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.

All together now…

There’s not much Bush can do to make you happy, is there Reeder?

He could refuse the nomination, I bet that would make Reeder happy.

I don’t know about Reeder, but it’d make me happy! I wouldn’t imagine he’d do a Brock between now and then though.

It would make me extremely happy if he and all of his cronies would just retire to his ranch in Crawford and sit around and talk about how they raped and pillaged our country for the rest of their lives.

Coke is It.

… Some of us know that a person can change over the course of three decades…

I guess Democrats just favor stagnation, huh?

SPOOFE, I seem to recall that it was a large portion of the attacks on Bill Clinton were the words “draft-dodger.” Are you suggesting that Republicans are permitted to bring up 30-year-old military service records, but Democrats aren’t?

To me it’s not what he did. Hell…I don’t give a good goddamn about what he did 30 years ago. Hell I drank and did every drug I could find.

It’s the fact that he won’t come clean on anything. He throws up walls, blocks records anything he can do to hide it.

All he would have had to do is own up to it. But he didn’t.

It all goes back to honesty.

But then of course were he to be honest it would alienate his religious base.

He couldn’t have that now could he.

It’s the soft bigotry of lowered expectations.

I have copies of my orders, my evals, and my awards. I have the originals of things they’ve purged from my records. Granted this could be a new thing, or Dubya could have just thrown his away…

If you crave a truly exhaustive explication of the issues involved:


Warning: mind-numbingly comprehensive

By contrast, I might have my DD-214(?), but I wouldn’t swear to it. Other than that I got nothin…

Less filling!

Disclaimer: This is a question, the answer to which can be yes, no, maybe, or I don’t know… not" you’re a fucking idiot for believing that." It’s just a thought.

Could it be that Geroge’s father hid the record. or had them hidden? He didn’t know his son was going to be prez. It might have been a move to keep the Bush name clean in general.

Again, just a thought.

Doesn’t this presume there’s something dirty to be hidden? How could one give a yes, no, maybe (and perhaps you should have included “not likely” in your choice of responses) answer to your question without knowing what sort of egregious behavior would be likely to have been expunged.