You see, my birthday is on Tuesday, and so they have sent a package of wrapped presents. What those contain, I do not know. But when talking to my mother on the phone the other day, she said I could open the box when it got there, since it would have other things that were not birthday presents in it I could enjoy when I got it.
So, there are things I somewhat expected: a few books I’d left behind (hey, I was only on vacation when I left! I left much of my junk behind!), some of my little cat figurines I had begun collecting the year I left (I thought they had gone to charity!), my mother’s old yarn and many new sizes and varieties of knitting needles (hooray!), and this was all wonderful stuff to be “surprised” with… but… I know now. They love me. Because upon removing the yarn and carefully wrapped figurines… there they all were.
Mirage bars. Coffee Crisp. Cherry Blossom. Peanut Mr. Big. And three, three glorious boxes of Vachon cakes! Ah! Caramel, Joe Louis, and Apple/Raspberry Passion Flakies.
I’ve already eaten a Mirage bar, a Cherry Blossom, one Ah! Caramel… okay, and also a Joe Louis. Yeah, and a Passion Flakie. I feel kind of sick, since I haven’t had a proper meal yet today. But I missed the Canadian goodness! Thankfully, my mother sent me a couple of exercise videos as an early present. I’m going to need them today! Now I must horde the goodies and eat them sparingly…
My grandmother just sent a package for my birthday a couple days ago. Rumour has it it’s full of Tim Horton’s goodies, and possibly some ketchup and all dressed chips!
What, no Tim’s? I miss Tim’s a lot. Mom sends the coffee, but it’s just not the same. I drank a whole ton of coffee (large double double) when I was there last week. I also came home with a MAPLE COFFEE CRISP, a Crispy Crunch, some Mackintosh’s toffee, some cereal and the like that I can’t get here. Mom’s great for sending care packages.
Of course, I live a wee bit further from the border than Seattle… why don’t you just go up to Van from time to time? Or, do you?
Tim’s is on the way! Possibly some other goodies (yes, even some butter tarts!)
I can’t cross the border just yet. Well, technically, I’ve been given permission to cross the border back to Canada if I want to, however, the INS has advised me against is, as I may not be able to get back in the country. Not going to risk it. (It’s taking FOR-EV-ER, because they’re so backed up…~sigh)
Mom wrote me an e-mail today telling me there’s more stuff she needs to send out to me, and so she will send more goodies, then, too. I’ll have to put a bug in her ear on that maple Coffee Crisp! YUM!
Looking in the bottom of the box, I found a couple of Crispy Crunch I had overlooked. sniff They’re such wonderful parents. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go put on my Roots shirt and get my Tim’s mug.