Oh my... God? Err, Jesus that's tacky... oops. Um, this is funny!

Hmm. A skydiving Lucifer?

Jesus’ robes and sandals must be really well insulated for him to be able to wear the same clothes both in summer and during winter when skiing… Owie. My toes would be falling off.

Recently, the genre of ahem art that protrays Jesus lurking over the shoulder of ordinary people has been brought to my attention. Since art is always improved by categorization, I will henceforth be calling this the “Creepy Jeezus” genre.

Carry on.

Creepy Jeezus.

I like “creepy Jeebus” better.

I think I will go draw that now.

Some of those statues are veerrry disturbing methinks. And I am glad I am not the only one finding the problem in Iesus’s choice of golfing buddies.

That said…auRa

This damn door sticks
This damn door sticks
It sticks no matter what the hell I do
It’s marked “Pull” and indeed I am pulling
Perhaps it should be marked “Push”?

JESUS SAVES… Passes It To Gretzky…He Shoots…He…Scores!

John Scalzi wrote a column about Football Jesus

It’s hilarious.

Here’s a “Creepy Jesus” collection: With ya always.

I think the trucker is the most creeped out of all of them, though. He knows something’s wrong.

Look at the Juggler in BraheSilver’s link! If that kids not inbred, I just don’t know who is.

Oops, sorry jinwicked! I unwittingly stole your link. That’ll teach me for not clicking on every inch of everybody’s posts.

The relay race disturbs me for some reason. I think it’s because Jesus doesn’t seem to be involved with the race. One kid is passing the baton to the other and Jesus is trying to steal it. Bastard.

And why are all the children ginger?

Seen the somethingawful.com treatment of that? Classic.

Oh and for those wrestling fans, try the create-a-wrestler mode on WWF Smackdown on the PSOne. Epic battles between the Messiah and Mr Myagi are a regular occurence whenever I visit my brother.

I’m guessing the idea is supposed to be that Jesus is helping the kids so they don’t drop the baton. It doesn’t come across very well due to the limitations of the medium and because, let’s face it, the next Rodin is not likely to get his start making inspirational statues for little Catholic kids’ dressers.

The opening of that John Scalzi column is the funniest damn thing I’ve read in weeks :smiley:

Truck-drivin’ Jesus looks like he’s taking a hostage, Guitar-playin’ man just looks…wrong, and the forest ranger is definitely wearin’ a rug. Golfin’ Jesus (visible only from mid-thigh or so up) is telling the golfer there’s no way he’s getting out of that bunker in under three strokes.

Narile: That’s opera, right enough. Sounds foreign to me.

Soccer Jesus: “Hand of God” revisited. Maradona would be so pleased. :slight_smile: The day I see a Cheerleading Jesus statue, though, I will scream.

And now I have a vision in my head of Our Lord and Savior waving silver and white pom poms and yelling “Gimme a G!” while high-kicking like a madman. :eek: MAKE IT GO AWAY!!

Oh, and the dog in the Veterinarian picture doesn’t seem to be enjoying Jesus’ company too much…

What!? No bobble head Jesus?:smiley:

Well, there’s another 1000 years in purgatory.

And if my sister’s mother-in-law ever finds that site in the OP, her and my brother-in-law are in BIG trouble.

I don’t know that much about golf, but the stance on the golf statuette looks all wrong to me.

Maybe Jesus doesn’t know that much about golf either.

And “the ‘laughter’ in sectarian slaughter”. :eek:

“Maybe if he had better arch support they wouldn’t have caught him.”
