Didn’t we learn from Madrid that with the real attack, you get no chatter?
To think that electronic intercepts are anything but disinformation is to think that 'Sama (who barely avoided a tomahawk with his cell phone’s home address on it)is a putz.
'Sama is not a p[utz.
Per contra, all through Christmas and New Year they were flogging the orange, bleeding money and credibility, to no effect.
So, the question:
Is there any reason to believe that the purported “chatter”(asssuming it is not a total fraud) is anything other than the equivalent of “foil chaff” to divert a defensive missile?
Does it not serve to fatigue any possibility of *real alertness, so that two months into a SIX MOTNH THREAT(!!!) 'Sama could ride a bicycle naked down pennsyvania avenue and no one would notice.
Is this not an inherent flaw in the wwhole “nationi mobilized in vigilance against the enemy within” hysteria implicit in the color codes in the first place?.
*whatever that is, and however it would impact the evildoers…
Could be. Then again, could not be. They can go bigger than Madrid. Either way, you certainly don’t IGNORE it when you have corroborated terrorist chatter and a bunch of sources.
Off topic: I like the idea of terrorist “chatter.” It makes them sound like cute lil chipmunks. Then we can send Secret Squirrel after them.
On topic: You can’t really blame them even if they are just covering their asses. Imagine the outcry if the terrorists attacked and our warning was down to lavender.
Nobody can accept the fact that we can’t possibly keep everyone safe from everything that can happen, so we get a system that jumps at shadows to keep everyone appeased.
Off topic: How come weird ass speculation threads like this get dozens of posts, but my thread about animal nature and natural defenses (or lack thereof) gets zip?
On topic: I’m not sure what the topic is about, but [insert something about some Bush employee making up things to cover his ass]
Since yours was the ninth post in this thread, I hardly think that “dozens” applies.
This thread does have dozens of views, but that’s because there’s a betting pool out here in SDMB land. The bettors try to guess how much acid this particular OP will drop on any given night prior to posting. Looks like only two lids this time, but the night is still young.