OhDope 3, Electric Boogalee- Hallowe'en party, Housewarming... Wedding Reception

Well of course you can come to Kentucky and visit London, Paris, Versailles (“Ver-SALES”), Middlesboro and even … Monkey’s Eyebrow! :slight_smile:

Congratulations thinksnow and laserkitty!! I hadn’t heard the good news!

So, Ellen, are you coming up for OhDope, then?

I’ll try to get emails to everyone that is interested in coming.

If I don’t have to shave again, I’ll probably show up.

Baltimore, OH. is not to be confused with the 2 New Baltimore, OH. towns.
Hey, nobody ever accused us of being to smart out here.

Possibly my all-time favorite was just after I moved to Akron OH in 1971. Someone told me about a place to eat in BOLL-i-ver which is about 30 miles South of us. I tried and tried but never found the town. It was literally years later that I drove past Bolivar, OH. and it clicked. Stupid hillbillys. (sorry, Queenie).

my e mail is missingsocks33@yahoo.com

Where exactly are these two New Baltimore OH. towns? I work in Baltimore OH, which is just abotu 20 miles southeast of C-bus.

And let us not forget Waldo, OH.

Where exactly is this quilting party going to be held?

Waldo moejuck? Where’s Waldo?

Sorry, I hadda…

moejuck, it’ll be in Columbus, same as the last coupl’a years.

Vanilla, if I sent a copy of all the stuff from my work computer to my home one, I’ll email you tomorrow. If not, Monday.

Columbus is a big city, could we narrow it down a little?

Also, no one answered my question about how drunk you are supposed to be when you show up to this thing. This will be my first every Dopefest, so I don’t want to dissapoint anyone.

Will anyone not be wearing a costume? Can I come as Maurice Clarett?

moe, I guess it depends when you show up and how long you plan on staying. OhDope is and will always be a costume party and you can come as whomever you like (except Death, that’s been done, and done well.)

Narrow it down, location wise, eh? Fine- the Easton area. How’zat?

Thank you very much Snow. Easton will be fine. Maggie Moo’s has the second best Ice Cream in central Ohio.

Who has the best ice cream in central Ohio?

Moejuck, don’t worry, these things are not the painful or stressful.

Well, at least not after the first few minutes. Sooner if you can isolate the proper muscles to relax.

Sexy!Pirate costume is in the works. Wouldn’t miss taking the OhDope hat trick for the world.

Canby and I are booked! Arriving late Friday, departing early (ghod, how early) Monday. Depending on our hotel room, we may try to put something together for Friday night arrivees.

manny, are you two planning on staying at the recommended hotel? I assume that’s what everyone is doing, but I’m not sure.

Yeah, that was our thought if the recommendation (The Country Inn, for those playing the home game) becomes official. I think getting as many of the visitors as possible in one place would make things easier on all concerned, particularly the harried bride and groom.

I might come. Depends whether or not I feel like making the horrendously long drive.

Oh my God! I definitely want pics of that.
please please please please please please please please

Oh yeah, costume suggestions, anyone?