OhDope 3, Electric Boogalee- Hallowe'en party, Housewarming... Wedding Reception

moejuck New Baltimore is the name of two towns in OH and can be viewed(I hope) at New Baltimore, OH - New Baltimore, Ohio Map & Directions - MapQuest
One is near where I work in Hartville. (Where’s Hartville, you ask?).

manny. What? No motorcycle this year? Who’s gonna pick up the chicks from Pittsburgh? :slight_smile:

Is it too late to say that I’ll be coming? I’d like to meet all you folks.

And I have no idea what I’m dressing up as yet.

[Long Duck Dong]MALLIED?[/LDD]

Well Congrats, Laserkitty and think!

If I can finagle a ride or driving partner, I’ll be there. Better count me as there in spirit and know I wish you the best!

[sub]Psst laserkitty, the men affiliated with the USMC are very loyal as long as you give them oral sex regularly. Just a tip from me to you.[/sub]

Since bristlesage, DynoSaur and I have already discussed the best way to get to Columbus, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that we’ll all be there.

Looking forward to it! I can’t decide what to wear, though. We’ll see how creative/lazy I am. If I wear the Chinese dress I wore last year, you’ll know which one won out.


Harem girl.
Nurse. (Go ahead, wear regular scrubs. Trivia: scrub tops are the easiest shirt to peek down EVER!)
Viking warrior. (I know they were usually boys, but I think it would be OK.)
Indian maiden.
Homicidal maniac. (They look like everyone else. Only with a bloody axe.)
Cave girl.
I hope these help.

*Originally posted by ShibbOleth *
**Who has the best ice cream in central Ohio?

Gypsy Joe’s in Lancaster on West Fair Avenue. The same or better quality than any other I’ve tasted at half the price.

I knew someone would come through. Thank you Punkin! That’s my new official name for you. You okay with that? If not, too bad. I think I’ll go as a nurse, because I’m a lazy hussy. Except for I’m duct-taping my top so it’s unpeekable.

You’re gonna duct-tape your… oh yeah! Oh, no! You mean your scrub top… Man!

Oh well, I have a good imagination. Maybe with a little backlighting…

I think Valkyrie works better for you, Jess. Not that it’s a personal fantasy or anything, nope.

I killed da wabbit, killed da wabbit!

Shibb! That is so NOT ME.

I thought that the point of dressing up was that it wasn’t you. Or is your costume supposed to be a manifestation of your secret inner self, your fantasies exposed and laid bare before others? Because we’re fine with the second option as well.

“Laid bare” heh. Juniper is claiming the OhDope Hat Trick, so I’m not going to attempt to top that… maybe I could come as Evil - in which case, I won’t need a costume at all.

To be Evil you need a costume. Not a very elaborate one, but still there are standards. You need to get a Van Dyke. Everyone knows Evil has a Van Dyke. (No, it’s not a Goatee. It has the moustache too.)

I think Shibb should be Zorro.

Rue, I think you might be right, wrt the Van Dyke, but I’m certain you’re right with Shibb and Zorro ('Course, this year we’ll know who he is, so even if he wears a mask, we won’t have to debate giving him the bums rush…)

I was thinking Secret Squirrel. You could be Morocco Mole.

As much as I’d love to help with your Theme Costumes Shibb, my Hobbitness is coming along nicely. I pretty much have the whole thing wrapped up right now.

So you see, I’m a little committed.

So, you’ll be the world’s tallest hobbit?

Not counting Bullroarer Took, yeah that’ll be me. The Tallest Hobbit. Oddly, I’m also the World’s Second Shortest Giant. I’ve got an inch and a half on Skippy.

Well, not too horribly drunk at the party opening as it will be combined with a wedding reception - but severe drunkeness is surely encouraged toward the nights’ end.:smiley: