Oi, America! Get off your arses and go vote!

I’m in Oregon, where everyone gets to vote by mail (or drop off their ballot at specified drop sites, which is what I did yesterday). Voted straight Democrat for the first time in my life.

I’m a teacher at a CC, so all my students are adults. Not 10 minutes ago I polled my classroom on who voted as a not-so-subtle reminder that Today Is The Day. The response? Not. A. Single. One. Of. Them. Voted!!!

One of my students, after I asked if everyone had voted, started going on a rant about taxes, I have no idea what her political bent is, but she made it clear that she’s intensely against every manner of taxation. Well, there’s a tax measure on the ballot this year. Instead of voting against it, she worked herself into a tizzy and decided not to vote.

What. The. Fuck???

And before someone mentions the Damn Kids These Days, she was the oldest in the room. Gaa!

I may be foreign but I have no power.

Thank you for this, it gives me hope for the future!

Well, that’s depressing.

Saves much needed time and energy.

I live in the functional equivalent of Hooter-fucking-ville, and I had to stand in line for 40 minutes to vote. That’s never happened at this precinct as long as I’ve been voting there.

No. What you must do is obvious, and if you hadn’t fucked up so incredibly in 2016, we wouldn’t have to remind you.

This, absolutely this. I also voted straight Democrat for the first time in my life, state and national levels.

There was a line at 6:00 am at my polling place also, including a bunch of college-age voters. Exciting to see! But I’m worried, for the first time in my life, that a losing party (Republicans) will not accept the verdict and seek to overturn results they don’t like. If they make a serious, organized effort to do this, I am afraid this will be the beginning of the end of our democracy. And no, I can’t see the Dems doing this if they lose, even if there’s evidence of blatant cheating by the Pubs.

:rolleyes: I’m old enough to remember back in the 90s when Republicans were peddling conspiracies about the Clintons and other Democrats not accepting elections or the end of their terms, and seeking to overturn results, declare martial law, etc.

Voted this morning about 9:30am, polling place was steadily busy but not overcrowded, the parking lot was full but traffic seemed to be equally incoming and outgoing. In a solidly red state so I don’t expect it to do much good, but voted straight Democratic for the first time in my life.

You are not the first I have heard say that. Along with 35+ adults voting for the first time.

There’s a big difference between celebrities of any stripe publicly stating their opinions or exhorting people to action, and a hostile power covertly waging cyberwar by hacking into servers, assuming false identities, publishing fake and inflammatory stories, etc.

Were the Democrat as cozy with neoNazis then as Republicans are now?

I’ll cheerfully agree the likelihood of shenanigans are very very very remote, but in the 1990s they were very very very very remote, relatively speaking. I get that *you’re *unconcerned - you’ve gone to some effort to demonstrate how unconcerned you are, after all - but for some people to have some concern is not all that far-fetched.

Resolving to respond to the election results with civility, come what may: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2018/11/02/dont-be-insufferable-nov-no-matter-outcome-here-are-questions-help-you/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.c372f6c38146

Done and done!!

Fair squeeze, now if youse merkins could just refrain from bucketing us with the “USA, USA, USA” dogma everything would be just hoopy.

This. When we stop slapping our dick all over the rest of the world, then maybe they will have no room for opinion on our elections.

I’m old enough to remember hearing this in 2016…and then leftists grasping at straws pleading with electors to not vote as they should.

I’ll be the contrarian here. If I’m 100% honest, I’m going to say that if someone needs to be cajoled into voting, I’d just as soon they didn’t vote. If they need Oprah or Ted Nugent to get them to vote, then I don’t care if they don’t vote. I’m all for making it easy to vote, andI don’t want to block them from voting, but I’m not going to try and shame someone into voting. If you don’t want to vote, don’t. You have my blessing.

At least its not as bad as “third party shamers” Jesus.

If you don’t vote, its a vote for Trump
If you vote third party its a vote for Trump.

Ok mom, this is why I block you on FB.