OJ Simpson has died

Since most of the copies sold on Amazon are going to be used, that won’t benefit the Goldmans at all. It does look like the book never went out of print.

This is aided by the fact that wet leather will contract as it dries. This is an old technique for making gloves fit “like a glove”. If you insert your hand while it is wet, you can stretch the leather where it is tight, then let the glove dry around your hand. Bingo.

Take a glove, get it wet, and let it dry on its own and it’s tight to squeeze into.

Try to pull tight, crusty stiff leather over latex, and of course it won’t fit.

Apparently, we’ll never know.


“Thanks for coming to see your dying dad. I just need you to sign here, sign here, and initial here. You can go in now.”

He made no dying confessions.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/oj-simpsons-final-words-many-32576175 .

How do you know that?

I was a 3rd party Amazon vendor for many years.

Most people choose to buy a used copy even though a new copy is cheaper?

You get to use the last person’s highlights when you study for the exam.

I suggested that once, and she gave me a look like this: :unamused:

Regarding not getting the $100 mil, I’m not going to argue whether or not the Goldman family deserves it (although I’d definitely hope they’d put a chunk of it to good use), I’m saying they’re not getting it. Simpson didn’t exactly have a massively lucrative career post-acquittal, and getting nabbed for armed robbery obviously only made it worse, so where exactly is this payment coming from? It’s one of the first things I learned in contract law: If the estate isn’t enough to cover everything, the creditors are just out of luck. I can’t see any solution that won’t cause a massive uproar.

Growing up with the kind of absolutely execrable…everybody I had to deal with (my sister, a couple cousins, and three or four teachers were pretty cool), I’ve grudgingly come to accept the fact that too often, justice simply ain’t happenin’. It’s a good lesson that we all should remember.

I really don’t see what benefit there is to harping blame on or punishing OJ’s children, but that’ll just have to sort itself out. Regardless, I’m not going to riot in the streets if they get something, or even a lot. Bad feet, for one.

Where is the like button?

Is anyone doing that? As best as i can tell, they are blameless. I just think that anything in the estate should go to pay the creditors before it goes to his kids.

That’s a truth. In this case, the justice the Goldmans may get is just the acknowledgment that a jury found OJ responsible and awarded a large sum in their favor. Getting that money may not happen, but at this point the Goldmans might have to accept that.

I kinda did a little. I don’t know, I feel bad for them, for the loss of their mother by their father’s hand, by the whole situation. They don’t deserve shame heaped on them for his actions.

I just think that the executor fighting the judgement and declaring he will try to defy it is an asshole. Maybe he feels justified if he thinks that the judgement was wrong, or the value too high to begin with, or that he’s protecting the (adult) children’s interests. But it’s a dick move.

I can understand OJ wanting to defy the judgement. But unless the children think he didn’t do it, I think that fighting the judgement just makes them look petty and vindictive. Better for them to see it paid to the best of the estate’s ability and put an end to the situation. Fighting it drags it out longer, and just keeps them in the limelight.

Yeah, I’m not a “riot in the streets” guy. But I don’t see how deserve any real money from the estate. Personal belongings, memorabilia, private photos and momentos, but not valuables. That should go to the creditors first, with the Goldmans being high on that list.

I was in the “but maybe he didn’t do it” camp through most of the trial. A few years after, I read Vincent Bugliosi’s book on the subject. By the time I was done with it, it seemed clear as day that, not only did he do it, but that the prosecution was absolutely inept. Hindsight is 20/20 of course, but had Bugliosi prosecuted the case, I believe OJ would have died in prison.

Regardless of the trial OJ Simpson is probably the most guilty you can be after a trial despite being found innocent of a crime. I think Kyle Rittenhouse is the only other person I can think of, even Casey Anthony decided to lay low for a bit.

Um, Kyle was innocent.

I find it interesting that the Joe Lieberman has died thread died after 20 posts, but this one is going strong after 178 posts.

It probably says something about American celebrity culture or something.

Yeah, he’s a real saint.

Well, technically the verdict is “not guilty,” , which isn’t the same thing as “We think he’s innocent.”

Now, whether or not his jury actually believed in his professed innocence, or whether the verdict was just a big FU to “The Man” for past injustices, I don’t know which weighed heavier.