Ok - how do you *gently* tell someone they should probably get a LJ account?

I happen to agree with you. I just don’t think there’s a great way to tell someone that.

My wife is Thai. Her blood runs plaid.


I’m still confused (not by LJ, although I am among those who had to google it to find out what it was). Let me try again with a slightly modified set of questions:

  1. Is there some harm being done by indiscriminate posting?

  2. What would be the motivation behind telling someone (nicely or otherwise) to get a LJ? Are you sincerely trying to help the person, because you think they need more emotional support than the message boards can provide? (If so, I suspect that any potential assistance would be canceled out by the shame/embarassment/resentment that is likely to be felt, no matter how gentle the nudge.) Or are you trying to minimize the annoyance you feel seeing an excessive number/length of postings? If that, why is it bothersome?

These questions may sound a bit challenging, but aren’t intended that way. I’m very curious.

I’m beginning to suspect the same, but then again, the wording of the OP could just be coincidental…

Navarra isn’t independent, but we have flag-colored blood. Our flag, not your flag.

How exactly does the OP plan to keep the Mystery Doper in the dark about this thread?

As I’ve mentioned here before, I had the unusual honor of finding an unfavorable review of my sexual prowess on a LiveJournal shortly (read: 12 hours) after I figuratively became a man. (Hey, give me a break–it was my first time! And second. And she was even worse than I was, but that was mysteriously omitted from her blog. Anyway, somehow I ended up getting laid more in the fallout from that, though looking back I can’t fathom how.)

Ok, then no challenge taken.

Seriously…I really don’t care what people post. There have been exactly two people who annoyed me with their excessive posting in all my time here at the Dope. I won’t name names but I think some of you may guess - two people who kept posting silly & inane questions in GQ, often with just a tinge of racism involved but innocent protestations to the contrary. This person does not do that.

I don’t really look at the quantity of the postings but what’s in them. And I don’t mean quality. But there is a certain type of mundane post that works best in a more personal setting. However - I have had no problem ignoring this type of post!

In the end, LJ helped me a lot, as much as I was reluctant to admit it a year ago. It gave me a sounding board, a place to practice my writing skills without a million people jumping in, and a place to share with my friends. So why not share my experience with other people I like? Because you know, I really like the person in question. A lot.

I am a little worried the person in question is going to get Pitted, and not by me. I’ve seen it happen before for excessive posting - we all have!

I think I know exactly who you’re talking about and I agree. While MPSIMS is MPSIMS, sometimes things are too MPSIMS for MPSIMS, or there are too many highly personal MPSIMS than is appropraite for MPSIMS. Hard to quantify, but you know it when you see it.

Thank you Anaamika. My curiousity is assuaged.

Add me to the paranoid…

I already have an LJ, so I know it’s not me Anaamika is talking about…unless, oh my god, I’m still posting so much crap on the SDMB that it’s not obvious that even more drivel is filling up my LJ!

For the people who don’t get LJ, I don’t know what to say. I post whatever I did today, funny (possibly only to me) anecdotes, when I’m frustrated and when I’m sad, and when I’m happy, and people comment on it (or not). And I read their LJs, which is cool because I’m here in Bulgaria and most of my friends are back in the US. I know that one of my friends is nervous because he’s about to meet his girlfriend’s parents for the first time, that one of my friends is upset because her daughter is having a tough time at the moment, that one of my friends is happy because he likes the fit of his new underwear. It’s not exactly life-altering stuff, but it’s usually pretty entertaining and a good way to keep in touch with people, and even make new friends sometimes.

Kyla, you don’t post enough in your LJ and you really don’t post much on the boards.

I overhead an editor at my workplace summing it up succintly (not to me, I am glad to report – this was to a writer who complained about excessive copy-editing).

“If you don’t want your precious copy ‘messed about with’, write a blog.”


Well, I’d post more if my coworkers hadn’t managed to totally destroy our communal computer. They don’t understand the pop-up windows, so they click on “OK” for everything. Apparently someone clicked OK on the “do you want to download this computer-eating virus?”

heh, I know people like that. My mother is one.

Well, how’s your mom’s English? If it’s pretty good, that’s probably not a positive sign.

I poked around the Windows settings, hoping that there was some way to convert it into Bulgarian that my coworkers couldn’t discern (what with the default setting being in English and all), but apparently not.

Before the computer got destroyed, I downloaded AdAware. 95 pieces of spyware. I ran it again 4 days later: 25 new pieces.

Maybe the computer gods decided we don’t deserve a computer.

She’s very good and very educated. Just not computer-savvy. I want to disconnect her Internet connection.

{Checks for private messages}
Hey, only 30 days to go until my sister’s wedding is over. Can you hang on for that long, Anaa? :smiley:

Heh, I’m more worried if YOU can hold out without slaughtering her.