Ok, I agree...Bush is a frigging moron (Bush Signs Schiavo Bill)

My first pit thread here, and I know this issue has been beaten to death already both here and in GD but I saw this article and…well, just wanted to vent some. What the hell is wrong with these people?? A special emergency session? Bush rushing back from the ranch to sign it? Here is the part that set me off:

WHAT fucking serious questions or substantial doubts?? Ok, I always knew Congress was packed with morons that had more time on their hands than brains and not enough real work to do…but christ, the president is an idiot too. Its times like this when I think the republic is doomed…and might not be worth saving. :frowning:

Anyway, feel free to vent all you like. Its mostly out of my system now. I’m just stunned I guess that people really are stupider than even I, cynic that I am, thought possible.


Just wait. If this one fails, what do you think will happen? How far do you think politicians will go know that they’ve put themselves into it? How far can they go?

So it can still “fail”? That sounds promising - could someone explain what has to happn for the bill to “fail”? (Or direct me to the appropriate thread - there must be more Schiavo threads now than there were 9/11 threads on, um, 9/11.)

Well hell, if xtisme can pit Bush, I guess I can defend him. Gulp. Here goes…

I don’t think that what the President did was right or wise, but from the standpoint of practical politics, I don’t think he had much choice in the matter. His brother Jeb has already committed himself so deeply to this issue as Governor of Florida that I don’t see any way Bush could have let this go without seeming to undercut his brother and his supporters.

(Of course, you know what I think of both Bush brothers for deliberately pandering to such supporters on such issues and ending up in this position, but I’ll let somebody else handle that part.)

I didn’t mean the bill would fail, but the attempt in federal court. In other words, what happens if the federal judge agrees with every other bloody judge before him and orders the feeding tube removed…again?

And there it is. When faced with any given dilemma, well, by golly, do what’s advantageous politically, regardless of the legality, constitutionality or humanity. These self-serving fuckers all need to be thrown to the lions.

Wait, you think this is really about saving Schiavo’s life?


Just another example of the Bush administration using something for political gain. At the same time Scott McClellan is insisting to reporters that this is not about politics, but about saving the sanctity of life, or some such horseshit, Republican Senators are being given talking points on how to address the issue for political gain. Both sides of the mouth indeed.

Well, basically, Bush signed it because he couldn’t afford politically not to. Now, if SCOTUS throws this out (which it will) he can throw his hands up and say, “I tried,” much like Jeb did with Terri’s Law, which was thrown out by Florida SCOTUS.

I wonder how many congressmen went along with this because they actually believe the Schindler’s delusions, and how many went along so no political enemy can point to them and say, “S/He wanted to starve a disabled woman to death!!!”

Frankly, I think Michael Schiavo needs to do more interviews. The Schindlers have made all sorts of accusations, and he’s tried to keep this private. Maybe if the public can actually see Terri, and not some heavily edited tape, it may go a long way toward convincing people who are acting out of emotions and not facts.

Well, I guess we now know what it takes to get Bush off Vacation.
Osama determined to attack in US? No worries, he’s got brush to clear
Start a war? His job was done, time to head to Camp David.
Tsunami stikes, killes hundereds of thousands? More brush to clear.

Political grandstanding to shore up your base? What time do you need him there? One thirty in the morning? No problem, anything I can do to help, regardless of the fact that in 1999 the then Governor signed a bill that allows Texas hospital to pull the plug on patients if they can’t pay. Called the Texas Futile Care Law , the result this week was a baby revoved from lilfe support against his mothers wishes.

Fucking Hypocrites.

Did anyone see the film clip of him arriving back in DC? Man, did he look absolutely pissed!! This is pure politics, plain and simple.

I meant “fail” in the sense that it fails to restore the feeding tube. Do I understand correctly that the federal court will now hear the case, and may or may not decide to restore the feeding tube? How long is this process going to take?

Fuck Tom DeLay for having the gall to use his position of authority to assassinate the character of Michael Schiavo, a private citizen who’s committed no crime and who has more of Terri Schiavo’s interests at heart than DeLay ever will.

Fuck Bill Frist for selling his professional integrity as a medical doctor for political gain like a three-dollar whore.

Fuck George W. Bush for being hypocritical, pandering scum.

And just for kicks, fuck the 47 congressional Democrats who voted for this pathetical power-grab.

Malicious scum, whores, and panderers: the current U.S. Government.

Don’t forget the dems that didn’t even bother to show up for the vote.

From here:

Now someone tell me again; how many people did W. execute as the govenor of Texas? How many of them were disabled? Is that still considered “defending life”?

How are prisoners any less god’s children (or whatever their excuse du jour is) than Terry Schiavo?

He had a retarded man killed, but this case raises substantial doubts? SHE HAS NO GODDAMNED CEREBRAL CORTEX.

I hereby present zetafunction’s Step-by-Step Manual to Slimeball Politics for Republicans:

Step 1: First, muddy the waters a bit by making the case sound “complex” when, in fact, it is not.

Step 2: Invoke 9/11, Jesus, and/or the Pope. Shamelessly quote Thomas Jefferson for the purpose of destroying states’ rights.

Step 3: Just make shit up! The idiots of this country won’t really figure it out or care, because hey, family values jesus culture of life.

Step 4: Slander your opponents.

After these four steps, you should have successfully deceived the public.

What struck me about the article was the blatantly pro-administration spin.

The first paragraph describes the measure as “a bill designed to save the life of a severely brain-damaged woman”.

Paragraph 2 starts out by calling it the “Palm Sunday Compromise”.

Paragraph 3 notes that Bush “returned to the White House for a chance to sign the measure” (not simply “to sign the measure”) language which implies a relished opportunity.

Paragraph 4 cites the Bush “questons and… doubts” quote.

The next 3 paragraphs present the parents.

Paragraph 8 quotes the sister, who sides with the parents.

Paragraph 10 quotes a House Republican who remarks, “As millions of Americans observe the beginning of Holy Week this Palm Sunday we are reminded that every life has purpose and none is without meaning.”

A separation-of-powers argument from a Democrat is briefly mentioned, but we have to get halfway down the column before we are informed that "Doctors say Schiavo, 41, is in a persistent vegetative state and will not fully recover from a heart attack she endured 15 years ago. "

We then move on to Frist’s description of the bill, followed by 4 paragraphs of input from the parents’ lawyers.

Then we get one paragraph of Democrat dissent, before launching back into 4 paragraphs of the pro-feeding-tube rhetoric.

And so it goes. The 2004 FL Supreme Court ruling against Jeb is left for last.

Why do people read this shit?

  1. get a judge to hear the case. Get one from the previous administration. Let him make a ruling as to the points of law in this case. Nod sorrowfully when the ruling to keep the feeding tube comes back. Smile secretly and rub hands with glee.

  2. use him as an example of “activist judges” who want to send this country down a moral sewer. Demonize the judicial branch a bit more and Dems too, while you’re at it.

  3. Walk away smugly, safe in the notion that now you have a rod with which to beat your political opponents–apparently, Dems are cowards on national defense, desire illicit and licentous lifestyles (see gay marriage) and now we kill helpless people.
    Personally, I am beginning to like being a demon–the parties are so much livelier!

Sample: What struck me about the article was the blatantly pro-administration spin.

In a Fox News article? I’m shocked. :wink:

Sample: Why do people read this shit?

Because they don’t like bias in the “liberal media”. :rolleyes:

Welcome to the party.

Can’t trust any of 'em to do things like engage in actions “for our own good” ( ie the imprecise representations made to sell the invasion of Iraq). Have to treat them all like they’re lower than used snake oil salesmen (present company excluded of course).

Okay, who hacked xtisme’s account? :wink:

In a related vein, AmericaBlog notes that Bush’s rush back to DC shows you where his priorities lie: