OK, OK, name THIS old computer game

I have yet to see you stumped and this one is driving me to distraction. There was a PC game, 10 or 12 years ago, in which you flew a WWI biplane and engaged enemy targets. As I recall, you could choose which aircraft, which campaign, which targets, etc. The flying involved very rudimentary controls and was first person perspective. Any ideas?



Red Baron.

Ir could also be Rowan’s Dawn Patrol.

Both look promising. I am leaning toward Red Baron, as the graphics seem similar. But the more I think about it, the more it seems as if the title was something like “Lords of the Sky”. “Kings of the Sky”, something like that. Does that sound familiar?

Knights of the Sky?

Well, “Ace of Aces” follows the naming you’re remembering, and fits your descriptions, except it’s a 20-year old game.

Yep, I think it was Knights. Thank you, all. Now, I can sleep tonight.

Sure it wasn’t Master Of The Skies: The Red Ace? I played that and its follow-up Red Ace Squadron quite a bit. More arcade games than flight sims, but a lot of fun, and nice graphics for the time. Great little games.