‘Ok(ay)’ and ‘So’ are little words that people insert to change the subject. Think ‘So, anyway…’
Person 1: I have a new puppy!
Person 2: Dogs are good. Too bad about what they do to them in science labs.
Person 3: Did you hear about Laika? The Russians sent him up into space and just left him to die! Bastards!
Person 1: So, anyway… I’ve named him Mr. Puppypants.
The usage has become common in conversational speach, and I think that people use it in thread titles to mention something that may be inconsequential.
OK - so what’s the oddest way anyone has ever asked you out?
is mine, so I can answer that at least.
Because I was thinking about it, for some reason, and remembered that cute guy, and that’s just how I think, so I phrased the question that way…
Really? Because it feels more like a conversation to me then. And this is MPSIMS, is it not? The Land Of Conversations?
Ok? Does this make you brighter than me, by pointing this out? I really feel like breaking a rule or two and being mean to you.
Do you have no sense of humor or did it just up and die?
Perhaps he lost it while shining his…oh never mind, not going there.
Ok, so see, when people talk they might say “uh”, or “um” a lot, and like you know other things to kind of like put what might be emphatic spaces into their sentences, so, like instead of writing “UM”, they use so, or ok. Ok?