I can’t believe it… I am reading in the paper (on-line) an article on how several women clinics ( from what I understand, it is the way of saying abortion clinics?) got some packages delivered with a “white powder” in them…
First off all, I am pretty sure it is an hoax, that gets me going on how the hell can someone do that? Let’s just pretend and make them scared to death they contracted Anthrax!
Second, it has to be related to some fanatics that are anti-abortions… so why do they leave this kind of notes in the packages
Quote from the Boston Globe :
According to Belding, the letter received by the clinic said: ‘‘You have been exposed to the real thing and now your children can die, too.’’
AH!!! that’s the best I ever heard… do not kill babies in the abortion clinic but we’ll kill your babies because you are baby killers… ummmmmmm so are we…
IT JUST DOESN’T MAKE SENSE, and it pisses me off too!
Sorry, I needed to get that out, it shocks me so much, I want to know what you think!
Prepare to be pissed off further: this is not a new tactic. They are not copycatting the real anthrax threat; they have been sending letters that say, “You have been exposed to anthrax,” to clinics for years.
WWJD? Jesus would obviously send bullshit threats to scare the crap out of people.
Crap, I wish I was a more vindicitive person, but I still can’t bring myself to say, “I hope these shit-for-brains maniacs burn in hell.” sigh I hope these shit-for-brains maniacs get a fucking clue and wallow in guilt for the rest of their stupid, empty lives.
grrrrr… I saw this on the elevator this morning and audible groaned in anger.
Do they not realize that essentially they are making EVERYONE who is anti-abortion, everyone who dares to say pro life, everyone who is a vocal Christian look like a total asshead?
Nothing pisses me off more than the minority of a group being the loud, insane, publicity magnet of the group.
My mom always asks me why I don’t tell more people that I’m a Christian. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the link, pretty scarry stuff…
I don’t understand how people who call themselves anti-abortion, so anti-killing, can go and kill doctors!? The next woman who goes for an abortion should be saying, this baby is going to be an abortion doctor… so what do you want to do…?! I AM JOKING! I don’t want to offense anybody!