What's your opinion on the tactics used by the more extreme anti-abortion crowd.

This idea has been brought up in a couple of threads.

I’m not talking about the pro-life crowd, but the anti-abortion people who picket clinics, pass out literature, claim all women regret abortions but no women regrets adoption, tell women “God loves your baby,” carry those ghastly signs of blown up fetuses, use out-of-date studies as cites, put their hands on women, call women nasty names, bomb clinics and kill doctors.

I’m pro-choice and think anti-abortionists have the right to *some *of their tactics. Obviously murder and bombing are not acceptable. Call me names and you might get a beat down. Put your hands on me and you definitely will.

I’m pro-choice, and I agree with WOOKINPANUB. Picketing clinics and passing out literature are not extreme, and should not be lumped together with murder or bombing.

So I was not able to vote in your poll.


Agreed. Expressing your opinion, even in a douchebag manner, is legal; assault, arson, and murder are not.

This lone asshole used to picket the Planned Parenthood where I got my sinful Pap smears. It gave me pleasure to flip him off but, otherwise, he has a right to express himself using whatever gory photos he likes – without touching anyone or interfering with their access to the clinic (he kept back whatever number of feet the law requires).


I picked “I think these extreme tactics should be outlawed” since it isn’t a multiple choice poll; some of their tactics should be outlawed (and often are, like assassination) and some are disgusting but shouldn’t be outlawed; and some should be outlawed but apparently aren’t (like threats, legally enforced lies and grabbing).

I’m pro-choice and I think that SOME of it’s okay – as long as all they’re doing is handing out literature. At least in that they have a right to do so, and don’t believe it should be outlawed. (The gory photographs are merely, since most of them are of stillbirths, IIRC?)

However, I do think it’s a douche-bag thing to do.

As for bombing and assassination, well, that’s already against the law, isn’t it?

Flawed poll. I’m pro-choice and both disagree with their tactics and believe they have a right to their tactics.

Yeah, the poll is a bit flawed; I voted pro-choice but do not agree with tactics because the ones that should be against the law already are.

I’m pro-life but don’t agree with murder of abortionists and fire-bombing or assault. Couldn’t vote.



picket clinics, pass out literature, claim all women regret abortions but no women regrets adoption, tell women “God loves your baby,” carry those ghastly signs of blown up fetuses, use out-of-date studies as cites: Fine.

put their hands on women, call women nasty names: not fine. Should be prevented.

bomb clinics and kill doctors: deserve maximum penalty under law.

PS: I didn’t vote in the poll either.

Many of them are outright fakes.

I swear I saw one that featured a Barbie doll.

I’m not either pro-life or pro-choice, and I personally am not for demonstrations that require having someone to help ferry you through. A truly peaceful protest, maybe. But, even then, I’m really more for protesting the business itself, not trying to block the customer’s entrance, which is the purpose of a lot of protests, even not about this subject.

And I think more things are wrong than should be illegal. For example, I think it’s wrong to try to make people feel guilty for deciding to get an abortion, but seeing as that’s based on motivation, I don’t see any way to outlaw it.

Why is “call women nasty names” “not fine”?

I read it as “put hands on women while calling them names.” If the name-calling is from across the street, then ok, whatever.

Oh! :eek: I KNEW it, that SLUT ! :mad:

Couldn’t do the poll because I don’t know what I am. I don’t like abortion–Who does?-- but I think outlawing it is not the answer–make birth control widely available and encourage its use, and go ahead and advertise your anti-abortion cause, but I’m opposed to any form of protest intended to intimidate women who are entering those clinics for any reason, including for prenatal care.

I wonder how effective these tactics are. How many women decide not to get an abortion because of these tactics? My guess would be few if any.

Thanks for the clarification.

I do.

First of all, I want to give a shout out to my pro-life homies on here. I didn’t realize there were at least seven of us on here.

As far as the question, it’s hard to answer if I agree with “these tactics” since I think there is a big difference between picketing outside a business you don’t agree with or handing out literature and committing illegal actions like bombings or killing people. I don’t really see picketing or handing out leaflets as “extreme”. Are union members who picket a business as part of a strike all extremists?
In any case, I am an advocate for free speech (doesn’t matter if the view is popular or something I personally agree with). People who are expressing themselves peacefully have a right to do so. I do not agree with yelling or behaving rudely to people, but this is an emotional topic and it’s not really surprising to me when someone (on either side of the debate) loses their composure when talking about it. I don’t support illegal activities though. There are civilized ways to discuss the issue.

As a strong pro-lifer here are my opinions:

Provided it is legal it is acceptable.

Certainly yes.

Inaccurate falsehood for the former, should be avoided.

Certainly acceptable

Acceptable depending on the circumstances

Not acceptable. Pro-life must stick to the facts.

For what?

Definately not, it is unloving and being akin to the Pharisees.


Fuck no, that is utterly criminal.