Okay, finally found it. SImply the most insanely disgusting thing ever.

I’ve been around the net a long time.

I have a really, really strong stomach.

I also have a really inexplicable fascination with the revolting, disgusting, gory and horrendous shit that people do.

In other words, been there, done that.

But I recently came across what has GOT to be the most unbelievably disgusting are-you-people-nuts-or-what behavior ever. (I am officially excluding from this assessment anything that involves death and maiming. That is a completely different category. This is about non-fatal behaviors that do not involve blood). And of course I found it on the Stile Project, duh.

I do not have a link, and I’m sure some mod would remove it anyway, but let me describe it for you.

OH, and in case you haven’t gotten the picture yet, ** WHAT I AM ABOUT TO DESCRIBE IS EXTRAORDINARILY DISGUSTING…YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! **

Two Japanese people (without fail, the kinkiest shit is either Japanese or German. What is up with THAT? Some weird reaction to losing the war?), man and woman. Start of video, looks like it might be basic porn, he’s on top of her, they smooch and giggle.

Then he sticks his finger down his throat and proceeds to vomit all over her face. She, of course, opens her mouth to catch as much as possible. Yum.

Okay, I’ve seen similar (completely nauseating) stuff before.

Then they switch positions. She sticks her fingers down her throat and vomits in HIS face, and he opens HIS mouth to catch as much as possible. (I guess it’s now, in the tradition of Seinfeld, “Re-vomit”) [sub] I’d like to point out that the fact that she even needed to mechanically induce vomiting is amazing to me…had I been in her position, I would have re-vomitted him at the precise instant he had vomited on me, projectile-fashion. [/sub]

Okay, we’re all about as disgusted as we figure it’s possible to be at this point, right?

Well, there’s a little more…

Apparently, a little puke went through her nostrils, you know how that goes, so she starts blowing her pukey snot into his mouth…long strings of it (I’m grossing out describing this, I gotta tell ya, I’m wincing at my own words) and then he grows impatient and thrusts his tongue directly into her pukey snotty nose to suck out every last drop.

Is everybody sufficiently sick at their stomach yet?

Okay…now I want to know…how is it possible that not only do at least 2 people on the face of the earth share this completely unbelievable fetish, but that they even found each other?

There is an upside to all this…well, I guess it’s all upside if you are them and you are enjoying it, which they definitely appeared to be… it’s that if they stay together until they are old and sick, cleaning up after each other and dealing with each other’s bodily fluids won’t be disgusting, it will be erotic!


And I thought the perpetually puking blowjob was bad…“Oh yeah, baby, choke on it”.

The world is a strange place.

But then I put it in perspective… I adore dogs. I think dogs rock completely…and there is nothing I have described in this that would bother a dog in the tiniest bit. So maybe these people are just being earthy and natural and I’m the weird one for being so uptight.

And if so…I’m completely ok with that!


I was just about to order pizza.

But, nah, I’m not hungry anymore.

In fact, I think I’ll go lie down for a while. I don’t feel so good.

Thanks, Stoid, you just saved me twenty bucks.

Y’know what? I’ve never actually gagged while reading a post before.

There’s a first time for everything, I suppose.

Jesus Christ…and I thought cleaning out the booths at Condom Nation would be disturbing…

I don’t make a habit of watching Jerry Springer, but that show on E! (whose name escapes me at the moment) that shows clips of the daytime shows and makes fun of them had a bit about this. IIRC, the guy didn’t even have to stick is finger down his throat…he just made those harking motions (you know, like a cat does before spewing a hairball) and then vomited all over his girlfriend’s face.

Yes, I remember being just about as disgusted as you are right now. Bleah.

I thought the woman giving the horse a blowjob was bad…uh, I was wrong. That was really gross, gag!

It IS absolutely completely icky to me and the great majority of people on this planet. But if they are both genuinely into it, I think that should be okay. They are not forcing anyone else (heaven forfend!) are they. So I’d have to say it is disgusting to us, but as a principle I find it much more objectionable if anyone is forced. In that context even a kiss on the cheek could be worse than this.

Wow. Human nature is endlessly interesting.

(Glad you brought up the subject! :D)

This is explained by what I call Savage’s Law, after sex advice columnist Dan Savage. It states that no matter how bizzare the fethish, the internet has websites, message boards, and chatroom dedvoted to it. Dan often get’s letters from people describing extremely unusual and elaborate fetishes. They worry that they isn’t anyone else like them in the world. Without fail Dan returns with websites for people who dig the exact same thing.


I feel sick…adn strangely [sub]un[/sub]aroused.

Y’know, Stoid, yours was the first OP that really got me aroused.

And you’re another avid Stile fan, eh? I love that place.

Has anybody here read Timothy Mo’s Brownout on Breadfruit Boulevard?

Just wondering.

They canceled Mr. Roger’s yesterday…and now this.

I WAS eating a sandwich… I paused at the title thinking maybe I should skip it. I didn’t. I’m not so hungry anymore. …gack…

One word - EW!!!

Woohoo! Now I have an idea of what to do for Labor Day.

I downloaded avi files that had no names. You had no idea what the content would be. I unfortunatly downloaded the woman pooing part. It is one of the most disgusting things, I’ve found on the net. I didn’t know the rest of what happened, since I shut it off as soon as I could. The file is deleted. The problem is that image comes to mind at anytime, and I get grossed out for a couple hours. I was so grossed out by that one video, I haven’t download video for at least six months.

Stile Project is interesting, if only for its extremism. Though I don’t like how its webmaster touts it as such, the site really is one of only handful that take no prisoners.

Now, the sickest thing I have ever ever seen on the site, and I’ve seen a lot, was the four Japanese kids taking craps, then sticking them in a frying pan, cracking in some eggs, and making an omelette. Yes, they ate it. Nauseating.

Oh, ya wanna talk pictures in one’s head?

I don’t know why I do this to myself, I really don’t.

i will spare you details of the current image that keeps me awake nights, except to say this: it is a video of one military guy “dispatching” another military guy…(or hell, could be a civilian, I comfort myself with the idea that it was a soldier) up close and personal. No guns.

Probably the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen.

isn’t the internet great?

who really needs to stop looking at this shit.

Didn’t the Marquis de Sade do something similar? Ick, ick, ick.