Okay, I Know that's Not Really What the Song's About, But...

…couldn’t it be? I mean, if you listen to the words a certain way?

Take some of the lyrics to Cracklin’ Rosie:

“Cracklin’ Rose, you’re a store bought woman…Cracklin’ Rosie make me a smile, even if it lasts for an hour, that’s all right…”

Geez, even the name “Cracklin’” Rosie…

Is Rosie a blow-up doll?
Any other songs that make you think of things that the songwriter probably didn’t intend?

I’d always heard that Cracklin’ Rosie was about wine.

Okay, so how bad is the lyricist if he’s trying to convey cheap wine, and I’m picturing blow up doll?

I don’t know you. Maybe lots of things make you picture blow up dolls.

Diamond once said (in an old Billboard interview) that it was based on a folk legend he once heard in Canada. Supposedly there was a remote area where there were so few women that men would buy bottles of rose wine and treat the bottles like they were a girlfriend. Now that’s waaay more creepy than having a blowup doll.

And insinuates far more about the men than I wish to know.

If this does, you can’t really blame him.

What do you think of when you hear Jackson Browne’s Rosie? :slight_smile:

As far as other songs go, it took me a long time to notice that “White Line Fever” was not actually about cocaine.

Last night, Elton John’s Island Girl came on the radio, and it reminded me of the time when I was a kid at a friend’s house and his big sister had that song blaring from her bedroom.

It really is a catchy tune with great instrumentals, but as I listened to it last night, I realized, “Hey wait a minute! This song is about a prostitute!”

That’s sort of the inverse of the OP’s topic and probably better suited to a thread called Songs your parents would never let you listen to if they knew what the songs were about, but I’m too lazy to start it.

No, but Sally is.

Speaking of the Police, when “Message in a Bottle” was a hit my 12 year old self was under the impression that Sting is gay (possibly because of the earring he wore in his *right *ear? A telltale sign, you know) and I was sure the song was about him coming out. I don’t know how many people I convinced of that one.

Judy in **Bram Tchaikovsky’**s Girl of My Dreams was a blow up doll.

Rosie, and Cracklin’ Rosie are both about masturbation. Browne makes it more overt. I guess I read a different Diamond interview; he said the song was about getting drunk on cheap wine and, um, coming unscrewed. There’s an ancient locker room joke referring to having a date with Rosie Palme.

She Bop, by what’s-her-name is also about masturbation. She said so.

Frank Zappa’s Pinky is very clearly about a blow-up sex doll.

I’m pretty sure Alice Cooper’s Cold Ethyl is about alcohol and not necrophilia as he implies in his stage shows.

It struck me that Dave Matthews Band’s Too Much could be sung by some big rubbery monster as he destroys Tokyo.

According schoolyard folklore, “Turning Japanese” by the Vapors is about masturbation.

VH1 once interviewed the guy who wrote it, and he denied it. He offered another explanation, which I cannot remember, because it made even less sense than the masturbation theory.

U2’s Walk On was written about and dedicated to Aung San Suu Kyi, which I didn’t know until I went to the concert last month. Funny, I always assumed it was about keeping going in the face of Depression.

I always thought Cracklin’ Rosie was about a prostitute. Get on board = he picks her up in his car. Even if it lasts for an hour…well isn’t it common to hire prostitutes by the hour? Having a time with a poor man’s lady = she ain’t a high-class call girl. Find us a dream that don’t ask no questions = being with a prostitute means you avoid emotional entanglements.

Well, it makes about as much sense as anything.

Just Between You and Me by April Wine; so, I take it this rules out a three-way?