Okay, I've had enough of despair and hopelessness

As I’ve written here before, I completely understand where it’s coming from, and the events and impulses that drive it. But I’m still personally kind of sick of reading people (not necessarily here) look towards the “likely” nuclear holocaust or suspension of the Constitution or what have you.

It’s good to be aware of potential dangers, but I can’t help read many of these “I’ve given up” posts as having an implicit “and so should you, because there’s no hope.” I wonder how many of those people are just down and venting, or have loved ones or something to lose, or have put their apparent despair into practice.

I hadn’t realized this before, but in a sense, I find such posts to be cynical, and I’ve always had an anti-cynical streak to me. I’m not going to say that justice, honor, or reason will necessarily win the day, because it didn’t a couple of months ago, but what good does it do anyone or anything I care about to just roll over and die?

Sure, I might get consumed in a mushroom cloud or shot by Trump loyalists. You may even expect me, or you, to be. But since when has that done any good?

hi there. Surprising you have no replies in here.

youre anti cynical, I never heard of that, interesting! I like that!

Then stand & fight.
I joined the ACLU.
Why haven’t you?

Great post, I like your attitude. Thanks for sharing!

It helps to live in a state like Hawaii – very blue and far away.

I used to belong to the ACLU too, back when I lived in Albuquerque, during the Bush Sr administration, but quickly grew exasperated with the flood of mail asking for more money. Never again.

For what it’s worth, most people aren’t on social media (or more specifically, aren’t on your social media) - so while your Twitter feed (for example) may be full of depressed lefties waiting and gnashing teeth, you’re not hearing from the huge number of folks who don’t care or actually support what Mr Trump is doing.

I dislike how social media has become I AM MORE [APPROVED FEELPINION] THAN YOU to the point where people in other countries are sharing crisis counselling phone numbers with folks in those same Not America countries.

Being an excessively sad panda about things isn’t productive. By all means be sad if the things affect you (or you’ve got family/close friends who are affected), but try and look for positives in the situation.

Don’t delude yourself that Everything Is Awesome if it’s not, but at the same time - don’t unnecessarily take the Marvin The Paranoid Android approach to life either.

You got me. Thanks to your post, I just joined.

Thanks for getting me off my ass.

I didn’t vote for Mr. Trump. But once elected, in a fair-and-square manner as far as I was concerned, I decided that he deserved a shot. The American people spoke and now he has an opportunity to follow through.

At this point, anti-Trump protests are specious. And anti-Trump dogma is useless. I may not want him as President, but give the guy a chance. Back in 2008 President Obama said “yes we can.” But in fact sometimes we didn’t. Guantanamo Bay is a disappointment. We’re still fighting in Afghanistan. I’ll give President Trump his opportunity. My cynicism has given way to “let’s see what this guy can do.”

How do you know I haven’t?

And anyway, this post wasn’t strictly about me. If those people I’m talking about want to offer reasons why they’re right and what I should be doing, they’re free to do so.

I agree that just giving up and assuming that we’re heading for the apocalypse is useless. I’m worried, but I’m not hopeless. I’ve donated to the ACLU and CAIR, I’ve been calling my representative and senators and will keep calling and emailing them, I’m getting friends organized, and I’m going to do registration drives. I didn’t go to the women’s march but if there is a science march in Houston or Austin I’ll go to that. I’m doing a drive for Interfaith Ministries to collect housewares for refugees who settle in Houston.

I’m also not trying to obsess too much on it all. I’m doing my part, but there is also a limited amount I can do as one person, and I don’t want to drive myself crazy over things, especially after such a short time. If I find myself online or on social media obsessing too long I’ll take a break and read a book or go see a movie. I went to see Split last night and I enjoyed it as a movie, but also as a chance to give me a break from what’s going on.

I see nothing wrong with the anti-Trump protests. He said he would do certain things while campaigning, like get rid of Obamacare, build a wall, and ban Muslims, and he’s trying to follow through on those promises. People against him don’t like those promises and are protesting.

Saying “let’s see what this guy can do” is fair when you have a new boss coming in replacing an old beloved boss and you don’t know really much about him other than he’s different from your boss that you really liked. But in this case we do know a lot about the new boss, and what he said he will do, and how he’s acted while campaigning and for years before. I remember some people saying that he would act different and more presidential when he became president but someone who’s 70 years old is never just going to change how they act on a dime.

He has his chance whether people protest or not. If he uses it wisely, people may even stop protesting.