I have something in my eye. From the tornado.
Was it the woman doing the interviewing who initially spotted Poochie? I heard off-camera “The dog! The dog!” and then the camera shifted.
- sniff *
Just awesome.
Luckily the dog was spotted, despite the dog apparently having “rubble camouflage”.
Me too, and I live in Las Vegas. That was sure a powerful storm!
Saw it on the news… they said it was the producer who noticed it.
Poor little guy. He sure was being quiet. I wonder why he didn’t speak up? It looked like he was close enough to hear his mom talking to the news lady.
That lady is great.
“I know exactly what happened.” And “Well, that’s life in the big city.”
I also appreciated the older lady’s response to the reporter’s rather patronising “Are you able to comprehend yet what happened here?” question. “I know EXACTLY what happened here. EXACTLY”.
I agree. That lady is definitely someone who just doesn’t have any fucks left to give. She’s my idol. Even when she found her dog she didn’t burst into tears or anything sappy. She was happy and all that but, yeah, she handled that stupid question with aplomb.
She was tremendously moved by getting her dog back. That’s how people in the mid-west show unspeakable joy.
dog seemed to be in shock - if not for the TV crew might not have been spotted at all.
the dog’s owner was wonderful &, yes, the interviewer did ask a dumb question, but cut her some slack. it was probably her first tornado.
I also got a little something in my eye…
Could anybody make out the dog’s name? She called it something, but she was facing away and I didn’t make it out.
That woman was awesome, she was so stoic in face of all that adversity and then she found her dog and it was the first hint of emotion.
Moved from IMHO to MPSIMS.
Toto. If it wasn’t his name before, it is now.
It looked like someone from the news crew helped her lift the debris off the dog, instead of obeying the Prime Directive and just observing her struggle. Good for them.
dog’s name might have been “Poochie” - I couldn’t tell what she said, either, but I read that somewhere.
I sure would like an update on how they are doing…any ideas?
She had to ask for the news crew person to help her, though.
That was absolutely the most heart warming thing I’ve seen in ages. I have to admit my first thought if I’d gone through what that lady did, would be to worry/mourn for my cats once I knew my family was safe. They’re a part of the family, right?
I sniffled a bit, maybe some pollen blew in through the open window here…
That was great. Thanks! I’ve already sent the links to family and friends.