(Old) A Drinking Problem in the MMP

Morning, mumpers! 17c/62f with a predicted high of 19c/66f today and cloudy. Weather app says “If this weather was soup, it would be broccoli fart chowder with corn and bacon.” I’m not sure if that’s good or bad!

It’s sunny out there, with some cloud so app is partially right. I have been out this morning because, as shoe pointed out in the last MMP, I have a tea drinking problem! Well, it’s not a problem if I can make tea but yesterday the kettle broke so I’ve been boiling water in a pan to make tea. Most unsatisfactory!

Thus at 8am, I was up and sheveled sufficiently to be about the public…and hoofed it to the Gettin’ Sto’ to get a new kettle. Tea drinking in the proper manner has been resumed :slight_smile:

What a coincidental topic! I just finished filling our countertop ice maker using a carafe from a Mr. Coffee that FCD and his ex owned - it’s more than 40 years old! It got me to thinking how I used it way back when to make tea - well, to heat the water for tea. The heating part of Mr. Coffee died eons ago, but I’ve continued to use the carafe - these days to fill the aforementioned ice maker or to water my houseplants.

I had a tough time falling asleep last night, tho I was unconscious before 11, and I woke a tad after 6. Critters have been tended, I just finished a bowl of cereal (generic corn chex), and FCD is up for some unknown reason. ( Correction - he got up to take some pain meds and he’s headed back to bed.) I’m waiting for a less obscene hour to get out there and mow or week-whack the ditches. If I’m lucky, it’ll start raining in the next few minutes… :wink:

Thus begins the last week of June. Happy Moanday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 71 Amurrkin out and N.O.S. with a predicted high of 90 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Oh, and hyooomid. However 'tis pretty much always that in these parts. I need to refill a ‘script this mornin’ and then go pick it up. Also the house cleaner comes today. Outside of that the usual sloth and general overall uselessness shall prevail. Sup shall be leftovers from yestiddy so yay for that.

BooFae I am so sorry for the loss of your tea kettle but and glad there is now a replacement for proper tea. We recently had to buy a new Keurig, as the old one, while not quite dead, was in its death throes. It did, however make the final cup of coffee before it’s demise.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Good morning Mumpers. I was able to catch up on last week’s posts before I went to bed sometime after 1am so Yay me. Didn’t finish all I needed to do at work on Sattiday so going in early today then taking Hubs for a meeting re a potential bone marrow transplant. Never made it to the Fitness Center yesterday so need to make that a priority this afternoon. Will need to filter water and figure out something for sup. Supposed to rain off and on today. Need to run; have as good a day as possible.

Best of luck for good info and options tor Hubs.

Somehow, I still have the same kettle that my sister bought for us as a wedding gift almost 20 years ago. Granted, it doesn’t see nearly as much use as yours, boofae. Occasional cups of tea or hot chocolate, but never with much regularity. I used to like a chip of creamer with coffee in the morning, but fell out of that until we figure out the ulcer situation. I’ve been trying to drink more water but I don’t care for plain water. I’ve got to stop at the stir for more water flavoring.

Again with the waking up in the middle of the night for longer then I should be and falling back asleep. I’m still tired, but I know I can power through it. Today will be fairly busy with storytime and cleaning. And I’ve got to clean and get the kids to help me because I’ve been too lazy lately.

One of the things I’m trying to fight through/figure out is my back aching. I blame the mattress and sitting in my chair for too long. I’m tired of having pain whenever I stand still for too long. Or when I try to get up. I’m going to look into exercises I can do to strengthen my back. I may even see if I can make an appointment with a chiropractor. I’ll get back where I belong eventually.

I should figure out getting shelved and starting my day. Probably with passion meds and icy hot. Have s great Monday, my Mumper friends!

Finally got some cooler weather and a bit of rain. Back into the mid-80s this week, though.

I was expecting possible violence happening this past weekend. Two Taylor Swift concerts and a huge Pride festival happening seemed to be a ripe condition for mischief, but it looks like people largely behaved themselves. A Festivus miracle!

One of my grandsons was expelled from his school right at year’s end for something foolish that he did. I won’t go into details, but it’s going to get worse for him, I fear, and involve state officials. My daughter is devastated by this, of course.

Morning all. Got my 8 hours of sleep last night so all ready to face the new week. Need to do shopping-n-sammich run and get the swimming-n-sauna done later, and also need to gas up car as the “y’all are near empty” light has come on. Due to get to 91F today with no rain forecast, so another good day to enjoy the AC.

Do have to remove the door nest, there has been no movement there for the past three days and no parents visiting it, so I suspect it is a failed nest and I’ll find several dead chicks there. Need to find something I can put up there to prevent more nestings so my door can be approached again.

As for drinking problems, I did have a Coors Light with dinner last night, which is my second beer for the month, so I’m over my average, but more concerned about how much Diet soda I’m drinking, apparently based on since it has no calories I can drink all that I want…been working on cutting back.

Cookie, sorry to hear about your grandson, kids at the end of the school year often do stupid things (or let friends talk them into doing stupid things), but sounds like this might have gone a bit farther than that). Hope it works out for them.

Real Fish, hope the back gets to doing better.

Cat Glove, best wishes for Hubs and have a good day.

FCM, doesn’t look like rain in your neck of the planet until afternoon at best, so looks like whacking weeds may be in your future.

OK, need to do my Moanday shopping list and do some planning. All y’all take care.

Well crap. I made it to the shop and realized I forgot to change my glasses, so I don’t have the bifocals, which will make using tools difficult. Perhaps I’ll do some computer drawing, which I need to do anyway.

Have a great week, all!

FCD has an ex? For some reason I thought you guys got married when you were still practically in high school.

I’m a big tea fan, too, and have gotten a bit snobbish about it. We bought an electric kettle about five years ago and use it for my tea and Mr. brown’s French press coffee. I like to buy loose-leaf Assam black tea and brew it strong, but my body is starting to not process caffeine like it used to. Nowadays I drink a strong brew of decaf tea with a pinch of the real stuff added, but for some reason there has been a world shortage of loose-leaf quality decaf tea. I can’t find anything online explaining the shortage, either.

I have a big mug of this blend with whole milk and raw sugar mixed in. If we’re not going out for a walk afterwards (and thus away from any bathrooms at a crucial time), I’ll have two mugs.

I’ve been retired for a little over a month and I keep having dreams that I’m at work trying to organize and file paperwork. I worked at a law firm, and we were still working with a lot of paper, so that was a real thing. In my dreams about this, I can’t remember how everything is supposed to go, and I start to get panicky and wake up gasping. Hopefully these dreams will taper off.

Chefguy, sorry about the kid.

I’ve never had an electric kettle. We try to avoid eating or drinking from anything with plastic components at home, so we use a metal kettle on the stove (with a glass Melita pour-over for coffee and a press for cacao). We drink both loose and bagged tea, brewed in the cup or a ceramic pot.

Hey, this seems like a good place to link to this rare old cartoon that recently turned up on youtube:

Tea Pot Town

I do not own a kettle. When I want tea, I nuke my water, because 'MURICA!
< offers pearls and fainting couch to the English >

The usual Monday short heave. There are supposed to be big storms this afternoon.

Sorry about the grandkid, Cookie.

Morning all. I love electric kettles but they kept burning out on me until the last one, which i have used for over 4 years. It’s in storage at the moment as I am staying at a friend’s while searching for a place I can afford to rent. Strong, black Assam or Irish breakfast are my go-to’s for tea.

So glad for the rain we had over the weekend and, as @Chefguy put it, the lack of riots. It was also Back to the 50s weekend at the Fairgrounds. That’s a huge, fun, car show. So we had lots of people crowding our cities for the first time since covid hit.

Sad news is that I had to surrender my cats to a shelter. One was adopted again immediately, the other is awaiting the vet to clear him for adoption. They are lovely kitties, but didn’t get along and I had no place for them or money to keep them fed, much less healthy.

Still and all, I’m working and that feels good. Just need more hours and/or slightly better pay and I’ll be back on my feet for at least a few months. Yay!

Sorry I missed that, but I always end up with my shirt drenched with drool at those things.

I wish you could send us the rain. We are in a drought. It rained for about an hour Saturday night but other than that, nothing in several weeks. Grass has become straw. The worst part is there will be a hay shortage. So far our barn manager has brought in 3 trailer loads from Wisconsin but we will need lots more.

Helped my sister pack yesterday. My arms are sore. She and hubs are moving to Gulf Shores, AL. BIL has Parkinson’s. They were going to drive there but BIL wouldn’t make it that long in a car. So they hired a private plane. Guess my share of the inheritance has dropped. J/K

Morning all! It’s 10am as I’m enjoying seat 27E between two skinny women, one 50ish, the other 80ish. The younger is off to some work-related convention in Miami, while the elder is traveling between her home in Vancouver BC and her other home on a small island off the coast of Honduras. From the look of her skin, she spends little time in chilly gray Vancouver. As a beacher myself, there’s nothing better than an older well-toasted slender woman. Speaks of a life well-lived.

I’m now riding home to what promises to be a warm summer day with the usual scattered afternoon showers that may or may not rain on me/us. NWS says it’s presently 86/30 at home w a few puffy clouds. Our humidity is just now ramping up from “comfy” towards “plenty”. Along about mid-July, “plenty” turns into first “a bit too much”, then “way too much” which lasts until late August before subsiding again.

On Sun got to visit the airport in San Jose Costa Rica for 3 hours, which was enough time to get off the jet, buy a nice authentic sit-down lunch for the 6 of us, buy 3 lbs of various local coffees from the duty free, then saddle up & head north again. Was disturbed when I opened my suitcase at last night’s hotel to find a couple of teaspoons of loose ground coffee amongst my clothes, yet I can’t find the leak in the nearby package. I hope I won’t find a cup of loose coffee in there when I unpack / repack when I get home. Oh bother.

Mornin’, kids. Another unremarkable day, marking time 'till I visit NDSU on Friday. Nothing like the imminent prospect of escape to illuminate how dissatisfied with your present circumstances you are. Such is life!

Yeah, I mean, I’m under no illusions about it… But compared to my present town of 1700 with nothing around but cows and fields for 50 miles in every direction, Fargo-Moorhead sounds like a paradise. Who knows though, maybe the Minneapolis job will materialize.

Pilot, everyone will be asking you where you got the coffee-scented laundry soap.

I am. :nauseated_face:

it is cool but humid in philly today. i believe the technical metrological term is clammy.

i have an electric kettle to make a proper cup of tea. it had a temp. reading thing on the outside so the proper water temp. for the tea can be seen. hot chocolate is made in the microwave with milk, whole milk. for cold beverages i go with ice tea or sugarfree dr pepper. once, just once the little cornerish store had diet creme soda. there was dancing.