Old-ish TV shows that have faded into obscurity. Or were just cancelled.

Screw you American hippies…

Time for some Aussie shows:

Million dollar chance of a Life time
Battle of the Sexes (It just sort of… went?)
Blankety Blanks
Don’t Forget your Toothbrush (That show ROCKED)

Homefront. I loved Homefront and while its only about 9 years ago, it was a good show that saw a pre-mature end. I understand TVLand may be running eps (they did a marathon a while back)…


Hey Alessan, Battle of the Planets is still around, but they’ve re-dubbed it. Nothing like the BOTP of my youth in the 70s. Keyop can talk, instead of making nonsense sounds, and Tiny isn’t so dumb. I think they’ve also changed all their names. Pretty sure it’s on the cartoon Network.

Does anyone remeber Danger Mouse?

OMG! Danger Mouse and Penfold! That’s another favorite of mine. I used to look forward to visiting my grandmother only because she had Nickelodeon I could watch Danger Mouse and You Can’t Do That on Television.

I have to say Battlestar Galactica. And Galatica: 1980 or whatever it was.

Danger Mouse was the man or rather the mouse. I can still remember the theme song, I loved that show. They just dont make cartoons like that anymore.

Mine that haven’t yet been mentioned:
V: the Series
Misfits of Science
Earth 2
some other show with a futuristic motorcycle (I remember the main characters were names Jesse and Norman)
Otherworld? (A family got sucked into some alternate world)

I watched anything remotely SF related, no matter how bad it sucked. :wink:

stuyguy: I vaguely remember *Nichols,*but I thought it was after The Rockford Files.

CalMeacham: I remember Weekend too, and kawliga is correct–for the first year or two of Saturday Night LiveNBC ran Weekendevery fourth Saturday night.

I forgot to mention a Canadian show that was syndicated here which I really enjoyed–Forever Knight. (A vampire as a cop in Toronto.) Another vampire show I enjoyed for it’s whole one season was Kindred–The Embraced. (Think vampires in San Francisco set up like factions of the Mafia.)

And since nobody else has mentioned it, I’ll plug Babylon 5–as far as I’m concerned, it was better than any version of Star Trek.

Where is the next gen. Get Smart w/ Andy Dick? Not as good as the original, but it still kicked ass.

Amen! This show was awesome! My friend and I would discuss its episodes every day in school. Then…the music videos came in. That’s almost all they showed in the show after a while, which made it boring. Then they cancelled it. Why didn’t they just keep out the stupid music videos?! I miss that show…

I’m glad that I’m not the only one that misses Parker Lewis Can’t Lose and Perfect Strangers. But doesn’t anyone remember “Danger Theatre”? It was on every Sunday night before Parker Lewis. Was it only a figment of my imagination?!

Two other shows I miss and I haven’t seen in a long time:

Rescue 911
Unsolved Mysteries

True, the latter usually gave me nightmares with that creepy music and Robert Stack as the host, but it gave me adrenaline rushes to see the scary episodes about ghosts and missing people…

Guinastasia wrote:

You’re not going to believe this, but on one of the websites in the Jem Webring (mentioned by another poster in this thread), someone wrote a Jem/He-Man crossover fan fiction story! (It was bad enough to warrant the Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment.)

Or think World of Darkness as re-envisioned by Aaron Spelling - which is what it is, and gives pretty much the right impression.

Damn good show.

Totally doesn’t fit the OP. B5 is far from obscure, and finishing out it’s planned 5 year run certainly doesn’t sound like being ‘just cancelled’ to me.

Its excellent spin-off, Crusade, on the other hand, fits the bill.

Yes! Forever Knight was a great show! The writers at Buffy are clearly familiar with it. Well, now that I think about it, it’s much closer to Angel, right down to the flashbacks of some former age. Also, it had the most awesome final episode of any series I can think of.


Sifl and Olly
Ren and Stimpy
DangerMouse (!!)
She-Ra and He-Man (or the Hour of Power)
Alien Nation
Mr. Belvedere
MST3K (with Joel, not Mike)
Press Your Luck (with Peter Tomarken)
The Kids in the Hall
Whose Line is it Anyway (BBC version)

The Wild, Wild West with Robert Conrad.

Could he have worn pants that were any tighter? Not without being cut into two at the waist.

Someone mentioned what would be a great lineup of re-runs:

Barney Miller

All of them, just terrific.

Good to see that Weekend got a mention. I remember reading Linda Ellerbee’s autobiography. Apparently Lloyd Dobbins could be a real prick. Still, a good show.

No one has mentioned The Night Stalker with Darren McGavin and Simon Oakland.

This show was mentioned in a thread a few months ago:

Anyone remember this one? It was about a man who could change into animals (I specifically remember a wolf and an eagle). I have no idea what further developments the plots had–what was he, a crime-fighter?–but, the animal-changing riff happened in each episode. I thought it was the coolest show ever when I was nine, and was most disappointed when it was canceled after one season. If I were to watch it now as an adult, I would likely discover that it royally sucked.

Cartoon: The Mighty Orbots
Apparently a dyslexic boy created robots and called them orbots on this show. Anywho, there was indeed the boy, and his “orbots” named Bo, Boo, Crunch, Ono Nono, and something else–there was a super strong, dim-witted orbot as well. I loved this show as a kid, and transferred my robot fetish to the Transformers when they came out.

**Two canceled shows that are arguably the WORST sitcoms EVER to be on TV, nonetheless go on season after the season:

Small Wonder** A man who builds a robot daughter. The premise is lame, but the writing and the acting were atrociously bad. How the hell this thing stayed on the air is beyond me.

Out of This World A young girl is the half-alien child of her human mother and extra-terrestrial father. She has keen powers and uses them mischieviously (think Sabrina, but much suckier). This show was every bit as lame as Small Wonder.

If anyone starts singing the theme song to either show, I’m going to have to hurt you.

Prisoner: Cell Block H

Aussie babes behind bars. Telenovella at its finest. The vast wasteland never got better than this.

Homicide - Life on the Streets

Too good for television. Charm City at is worst and best.

St Elsewhere

ER without the “reality” camera work. Superior ensemble. Denzel is far better than Clooney.


Best comedy out of Canada, often better than classic SNL. The Great White North, the “Godfather” episode, Slim Whitman playing the role of Che in Evita, the late great John Candy, Catherine O’Hara’s Joey Heatherton imitation…

To the Manor Born

70s English comedy/satire of the upper classes vs. immigrant nouveau riche starring Penelope Keith. Had enough of “a touch of class” to end the series before it began to stink.

The Undersea Adventures of Jacques Cousteau

Octopus, octopus, your babies are dying, they’re up in my ship, in my frying pan, frying.

[li]Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, with Marlin Perkins.[/li][li]The Tarzan/Lone Ranger Hour. It was a little too much when they tried to stuff Zorro into that hour as well.[/li][li]The Bugaloos, though any guy admitting to liking this show was considered a homo at my school.[/li][li]HR Puffinstuff.[/li][li]The Six Million Dollar Man (“We can rebuild him”).[/li][li]Dr. Who (fourth and fifth Doctors).[/li][li]321 Contact.[/li][li]The Electric Company.[/li][li]War of the Worlds–The Series.[/li][/ul]

How about Kolchak, the Night Stalker? Talk about your proto-X-Files! Here’s a Night Stalker page.

And that creepy NBC movie Trilogy of Terror? That little Zuni doll freaked me out! Or was it Karen Black’s acting that frightened me so?