(Old) It's snacktime in the MMP!

Bring your favorite snax, whatever they may be. I’m sure there’ll be enough to share.

Got any personal weird favorites nobody else has heard of? Even better!

My current favorite is Triscuits, with good salted butter and a dab of either chili crisp, or gochujang sauce.

… but I can always enjoy popcorn drenched in movie theatre “butter.”

So, have at it Mumpers. Why? Because SNACKS!!!

I think they are called better cheddar crackers.
Morning to you.

Morning, mumpers! It’s currently 9c/48f with no predicted change, and mostly cloudy. Weather app says “Sure, it could be warmer outside, but you could also be fucking covered in more ants. Count your fucking blessings.” I am inside, warm and not covered in ants. Sounds like a good start to the day. We also have a weather warning for strong winds today, possibly gale force in coastal areas so it’s a good thing I live as far away from the coast as it’s possible to get in this country!

I don’t have much in the way of snacks, apart from fruit. I am quite liking these at the moment, and I always have some of this in my desk drawer too.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 56 Amurrkin out and N.O.S. (well, it’s sunrise and the sun is out) with a predicted high of 83 and N.O.S. As I mentioned in the last MMP, tonight is men’s night over to the church house, thus steaks are marinatin’ and beer is chillin’. We shall head over early(ish) to do setup as is our wont. Also I will call the pharmacy to refill two ‘scripts as soon as they open and hopefully be able to pick ‘em up this mornin’. Of course some sloth and nappage will be squeezed in lest I lose my street cred. Day drinkin’ will be to quaff a couple of beerverages whilst grillin’ up hunks o’ cow.

Both of us have a fondness for all snacks salty. Thus we try to limit the amount in da cave. However, peanut butter crackers, and cheese on cheese crackers are always on hand. Popcorn is also always on hand. I once gave up salty snacks as my Lent “give up.” That was even harder than givin’ up chawklit! I really, really, like salty snacks.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, since I foresee bein’ out and about I suppose I must purtify and don attire acceptable for bein’ amongst the great unwashed. Oh woe! Oh bother!

Happy Moanday Y’all!

My snack preferences are mood-related. If I’m feeling healthy, I’ll take a cara cara orange - YUM! If I crave crunchy/salty, it could be pretzel rods or Bugles (which I haven’t had in eons!) Oh, and nuts! Baked goods? Brownies top the list, especially chewy, gooey ones. And my current fave candy is salted dark chocolate covered caramels. And ice cream - too many to choose a favorite.

Frankly, I like waaaaaaay too many snacky things, which explains the way my scale yo-yos so much.

Happy Tax Day! :face_vomiting: I miscalculated and we have to scrape up an extra pile of cash this year, dammit. I’ve since adjusted our withholdings so, with luck, we won’t have a repeat next year.

But better than taxes, it’s Roxy’s birthday! My best girl is 6 today! Can’t hardly believe it!!
I just now took a pan of brownies out of the oven. After I finish my morning routine and don appropriate attire, I’ll be going to Food Lion for an ice cream cake. I need to add the leaf to the table, bring up 2 extra chairs, and order dinner from the deli for delivery at the chosen time. MIL claims she’ll blow up balloons - we shall see. That may become my chore. So you know what my day will be.

I am hoping to get some time in the dirt today also, but we shall see. It’ll be a busy day regardless.

Happy Moanday!! (With extra Moans for US taxpayers!)

Morning, Mumpers!
I’m much earlier in the queue than usual, as it’s 6:00 am Central time, meaning 4:00 at home and no way in hell I’d normally be up right now.
I’m at O’Hare waiting for my connecting flight to Indianapolis, which doesn’t board for another tuna half hours. I was looking forward to finding a nice sit-down place for a big ol’ bacon & egg type of breakfast. But, somewhat surprisingly, the choices here in a major United terminal in a major airport leave much to be desired. I ended up at a wobbly table in the food court with something claiming to be a “sausage, egg and cheese croissant.” The croissant, rather than being croissant-shaped, was square. It was also dry. I could have used a microscope to find the sausage (which I think was actually ham, but the sample size was too small for proper testing). The whole thing was not much bigger than a snack itself, in keeping with the theme of the thread. And I’ve pretty much blown my allotted meal budget on this poor choice. I might have to go grab an Egg McMuffin on my own dime just to keep the stomach growlies at bay.

On the plus side, the flight from Vegas to Chicago was on time and smooth sailing, and I have a nice leisurely layover to relax and recombobulate. I may have dozed for a few minutes on the plane, but not much longer. However, I’ve got some coffee in me and I feel remarkably bright. The shock to my system should position me well for a couple weeks of getting up early in the Eastern time zone.

I’m off in search of that Egg McMuffin now. See yas!

boofae was kind enough to give me her weatherlink, even though I didn’t say please.
It says
Nothing is happening outside but mother nature is still too sexy for your cat.

Mornin, all! Gonna be a long one.

The week begins with sunshine, but soon to turn to rain and cooler weather later in the week. Back down into the 30s at night, even.

Snacks? I top my popcorn with a mixture of Irish butter and lemon olive oil. How’s that for odd?

Really hoping for a judicial smackdown for the gag order violation in the trial of you-know-who. It would be nice start for the week.

The wife should be starting some PT this week for her sciatica. I really feel for her as she’s in a lot of pain and the prednisone doesn’t seem to be doing much, though she’s still got several days to finish out the course.

I drug out some really old photos when the eldest and his kids were here yesterday. When I showed them a picture of me from when I was about 12, it suddenly struck me how much my grandson looks like me at that age. Quite remarkable, in fact. His teen daughter seemed very interested in the photos and history of my family. I need to gin up a fan chart of her genealogy for her, although her mother’s side is the definition of sparse. Nobody in her family knows anything about their history other than vague rumors. Really weird.

Morning. It’s a lovely 61 but will rise to an annoyingly unseasonable 88. I may have my first coffee outside.

Today I have to go to the past office to mail taxes, because of reasons. Hopefully it’s relatively painless. I just need postage. Make it will be quicker than I fear. Later I teach. Even later is rehearsal. Between taxes and teaching is packing. Because packing is my life.

We always owe. Too many jobs, too much independent contractor income (“too much income”. I’m funny). If we were organized we’d pay quarterly. We are not organized.

Oh, snacks. I have mostly tried to not snack lately so that I can become a smaller man. When I do snack it’s mostly trail mix. I also have a cookie problem.


Good morning. My favorite snacks:

peanuts, either Virginia or redskin
fancy European wafer cookies
when in season, cherries, apricots, peaches and plums

Now that we’re retired, we have to start doing the quarterly estimated tax thing. Mr. brown is dragging his feet on this, and here it is tax day and nothing has been done. We are having money withheld from our social security distributions and from our Schwab income, so we won’t owe lots. But it still has to be done lest we are charged penalties. So I have to nag him when he gets up, which I hate to do.

Today I have to hunt for one of those gel anti-fatigue mats because our old one got too grotty and couldn’t be cleaned anymore and we had to toss it. Now that Bed, Bath & Beyond has gone belly-up, I have to think about where to find one. Home Goods, maybe? Or perhaps Lowes or Home Depot carries them. Sounds like it’ll be today’s errand.

I ate quite a bit yesterday - including a salad, how healthy of me! - and am awake now with the rather predictable aftereffects of unaccustomed intake.

Frettin’ about the looming taxes ain’t helping. Part of it is that so much of it goes over my head; I really am helpless to do them myself alone.

So NO WONDER I just woke from a bad dream where everyone was talking - it was recognizably English - but I couldn’t understand anything anyone was trying to tell me.
In my dream, I broke down into frustrated tears.

I also dreamed my Former I.T. Guy took me out for a fancy meal, we wandered around some outdoor shopping mall & he kept wanting to buy me things … just generally being someone with lots of disposable income. Which is definitely not my life & I’m not close to anyone who lives like that.

Doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out those dreams, eh?

Monkey is being very snuggly. Oh, shit - don’t tell him we’re almost out of kibble!

Always sumpin’ …

Amazon, baby!

Or is your city big enough to have a restaurant supply store? Those are open to the public and have a amazing assortment of stuff.

I fell asleep watching Imitation of Life, woke up at 10 p.m., tucked myself in, and slept until 4 a.m. Happy Monday! Today I’m taking the babushka cart to the garden store to get a bag of potting soil. Any recommendations?

Snacks? I like popcorn. I was getting rice crackers from Costco, but they quit carrying them, dammit.

Oh, my gosh, what a delicious baby she was! And now she looks so grown up! Happy Birthday to your smart, kind (You can see it in her eyes.), beautiful girl!

I love other people’s birthdays. All of the cake, none of the “I’m getting old” sadness.

:rofl: That cracked me up. Your version of the app must be profanity free, as BooFae’s weather quote today uses more colorful language.



I have an Ancestry subscription, so if you need me to look up anyone, message me.

[quote=“teelabrown, post:12, topic:1000308”]

Best of luck to all doing taxes!

Oh yeah. Popcorn. I always think I want popcorn and then I feel bad after eating it. Probably because I eat too much.

Naturally, I have mine set up for maximum profanity because it amuses me. Other people have far more delicate sensibilities than I do :slight_smile:

I can imagine that is a major source of worry for a lot of people. I used to do my own when I was self-employed and it always made me nervous in case I forgot something important that would have the Inland Revenue hammering on my door. Fortunately, I was only a small fish so they never bothered me, and I didn’t earn enough for them to be concerned. I hope your taxes are simple and pain-free.

My mother’s side of the family tree is much the same. My dad’s side was quite easy to trace as we had my grandmother and great aunts to talk to, but my mum distanced herself from her own family for the majority of my life. She got back in touch with one of her brothers when I was in my early teens but she never really talked about any of the others. I found out about some of them when one of her relatives died and left something to the siblings, at which point she was contacted by an “heir hunter” company.

Oh well, time to get back to irk now…

I’m with swampy. I’m a salty snacks kinda gal. Popcorn made on the stove drenched in real butter. Followed by cookies, preferably Tate’s chocolate chips. I’m specific in my snacks?

Had a nice ride on Ariel yesterday. Today I am slothing.

Sounds like my husband’s family - they don’t know and don’t seem to care about their predecessors. They can’t even say for sure where their families come from or when. There’s the notion that there’s some sort of connection with Jerry West, the basketball player of old, and a tenuous connection to Dean Martin, but other than that, nothing.

I don’t know a lot about my family either, mainly because once everyone arrived here in the early 1900s, they seemed to have lost touch with all family in Poland until a few years ago when a cousin traveled to the town our grandfather was from and met some much-removed cousins. With us it’s not from lack of interest, but lack of records from the Old Country.

My goal since forever has been to be ±$100 when filing, but our income has been in so much flux over the years and the tax laws change so much, it’s an impossible dream. We don’t even itemize any more because the standard deduction is more advantageous. Frankly, I think the whole tax structure is deliberately complicated to keep accountants in business. We’re retired - it should be simple and straightforward. HAH!

OK, MIL is up, medicated, and fed. I need to run to the store, then back to set up for the b-day dinner. FORWARD!!!

Morning all! 70F here and headed near 80. Weather boffins were visibly alarmed about thunderstorms and hail tonight, but seem to have relaxed some.

Snacks? I like Fritos and Rotel the best. Sadly, my aging alimentary canal doesn’t favor them as much as I do, so must stick with small servings.

My bum knee has been acting up for the last week, and yesterday’s weed-age, mow-age, and trimm-age didn’t help. So today is chill-age and stream-age on the couch.

Last week was a follow-up with the eye surgeon, who found swelling in the problem eye’s retina. She says it’s not unusual and really not threatening at this point, but more visits with frightening implements poking me are in order. I’m starting to dislike the phrase: “OK… don’t blink.”

The new dog is taking to her training very well, and is improving every week. I didn’t realize just how much effort is involved to get a dog to reliably come, heel, sit, and stay. We work with her every day for two sessions, and at least once per week with her trainer (2 hours). The upside is that she (dog) absolutely loves the lessons and freaks out when the trainer dude arrives. Hopefully in a few months, she’ll be able to accompany us anywhere without a leash and be a model dog-citizen. Oh, almost forgot. Someone came to the door after dark last week, and all questions about whether she could bark were answered. When alarmed, she can rattle the windows. Good to know, given that she’s mostly silent.

Eldest kiddo has returned to work from LTD and will be in town for training for the next few days. Really looking forward to a few dinners with him, although it’s a lot of driving for us (he doesn’t have a rental car this time).

So, on to a weirdly busy week for a retiree. Lots of stuff and issues to sort out, but it’s all first world problems so I won’t annoy everyone with it.

Hope everyone’s week is a good 'un!

That’s more or less established fact. Intuit (TurboTax) and HR Block and others lobby heavily to keep the tax code complicated.

And it works, because I end up using TurboTax anyway.