Old Japanese commercial

My wife is trying to remember a Japanese TV commercial. It would be from about 25 years ago.

She has an image of a man with his chin perched in the “V” formed by his thumb and forefinger of one hand, and he says one word, something like “Mandom” (マンダム).

There is a Japanese toiletries company named “Mandom,” but a quick perusal of old Mandom CMs (with Charles Bronson) didn’t yield anything close to the image she remembers.
She thinks it may be a coffee commerical, and she says it is very possible that what the person says only vaguely sounds like “Mandom.”

Anyone have any ideas on what it might be?

I remember buying a bottle of mousse called “Mandom” at [some large Japanese equivalent of Wal-Mart whose name escapes me] in Nagaoka in the mid 1990s. Cost me 800 yen.

Is the man in the commercial Japanese? Is that all the commercial was? I can describe it to some middle-aged drinking buddies sometime in the next few days but without more to go on, well, I don’t have high hopes for success.