I saw a scary B-movie back in the early 60s. It ended with a man driving an old car into a barn which had water in it where the car sank and he drowned. I wonder if anyone can remember the name of the movie
“The Car Eating Barn”?
Could it have been an episode of The Alfred Hitchcock Hour? because that sounds like a ep I saw of that a couple of years ago, although I’d have to go through the list to figure out which one.
Well there was that Sherlock Holmes mystery about the Clue Barndunkle.
In The Red House, Edward G. Robinson plays a gangster who drives a car into a flooded barn. The car sinks and Robinson drowns.
I have just paid 4,500 pounds to Professor Moriarty to see to it that you do not long enjoy the fruits of your creativity.
(It was either that or force you to watch “Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother” for a solid week.)
The Red House…video of the whole movie. The car/barn sequence starts about 1:38:00.