(Old, or maybe we mean Aulde) Happy Christmas MMP

According to my watch, it’s 02:23 GMT.

So Happy Christmas, everyone!

A Fairyrtale Of New York

Still Christmas Eve here. We’ve had escargots and bourbon. Can’t wait until tomorrow when I give Mrs. L.A. her Christmas present. :slight_smile:

“Happy trails, Hans!”


It’d 9:45 CST here and I’m prepping for dinner tomorrow. Have a great holiday everyone.

And no, it’s not a Christmas movie Stranger! :smiley: :grinning: :innocent:

How did I forget to post this? Must’ve been the bourbon.

Thank you so much for the PSA link! Imma gonna get some of them fire blankets, those look like great Santa swap gifts. We could probably use a couple around here too.

Hubs put a pork butt in the smoker for tomorrows dinner. We’ve already had a happy, loud and delicious ham dinner at BFF’s place so ours tomorrow will be simple and quiet.

I’m going to use some of the pulled pork to make pork and green chili tamales because it is so hard to find them anymore. I’ve seen them made, I’ve had masa in my hands and have helped assemble them. I should be able to make something edible the first try.

It’s 12:03 on Christmas Day, and the tree and I are both lit. :christmas_tree: :beers:

This and Christmas In Hollis are the two best Christmas songs.

It’s not Christmas untill Hans falls off of Nakatomi Tower.

Also, Merry Christmas!

I just ordered a breast pump from da jungle. Never done that before.

Bun in the oven? :wink:

I’ve mentioned before a sweatshirt I had that had a stable scene on it with folks peeking in. A voice hollers out the door “It’s a girl!” After my grandmother worried about my beliefs I never wore it again where she could see it. She was the only person ever that I would alter my actions for.

Was that a puppy in the manger?

Never let anyone convince you otherwise.


Having just turned midnight Happy Christmas!

All the gifts are wrapped and under the tree. The stockings are stuffed and also under the tree. Amazingly, BtY has not yet gotten into his stocking. He was waiting around when Hubby and I headed to bed. I just came out to the living room (I just can’t get comfortable anywhere) fully expecting a tail of candy wrappers littering the floor, or the stocking to be missing entirely. Nope. Right where we left it under the tree. Sometimes he surprises me.

I’m listening to someone set off fireworks (oh please, Og on High, let it be fireworks) with crashing booms. Thankfully, it isn’t anyone in my complex and it doesn’t seem to be waking any of mine. Next week I’m expecting a lot more noise.

Has my session of D&D today. I was playing my happy like murder faery rogue who, somehow, managed to be the heavy hitter of the group. Still, it was a blast and I’m thinking I may need to tweak her for my regular group when we finish this campaign.

And now I think I’m getting tired enough that the ache won’t be an issue. See you in the morning, all!

Morning, mumpers! It’s currently 13c/54f with a predicted high of 14c/58f, amd sunny. Weather app says “It’s sunny as fuck, but not warm as fuck”.

Christmas is a bit different for us this year, we ended up having a week in Spain but not where we had planned, or with the people we’d expected to see. The plans went south a bit, but we are ok with it. Alicante is pleasant, the weather is good, we found good food and some fun bars. Xmas eve everywhere was closing early and we were not expecting anywhere to be open today.

Instead, the fridge in our room has cold cuts and cheese, we have bread, various drinks, and we have connected the computer to the massive tv in the living area of our suite so we can watch films.

Thia afternoon it will be Oppenheimer because it’s 3hrs long! Not sure of the rest of our plans but they do not involve going out!

We sorta have a White Christmas here - it’s foggy this morning! We’ll be leaving around 10-ish for my brother’s place, but who is going is still up in the air. Tobias was feverish early yesterday evening, then his fever broke. Daughter said if he’s what passes for normal, they’ll go and take some tylenol just in case. If he’s still fevering, he’ll stay home with SIL, and Daughter and Roxy will ride with us. So we shall see.

I almost forgot to put together the gift exchange game, but it’s ready to go, as are the gifts for the grand-nephews, and the white elephants. I forgot to take the gifts from TX SIL to Daughter’s house yesterday - I’ll give them to her today and her kids can have one more thing to open when they get home. And I better remember to take the deviled egg fixins (which I’ll assemble there.

That will pretty much be my day. Except LOUD - because, well, that’s the way my side of the family is. Not belligerent or mean, just LOUD!!!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a big smooch under the mistletoe! :christmas_tree:

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. I’m sending you all my warmest wishes for a wonderful day.

It’s 38F, and a light rain has just started to fall. The expected high is 45F, and various forms of rain (none white) will fall throughout the day.

My son came up yesterday afternoon, and we all hung out together. My son and husband would disappear into the den and play computer games at various points, but that’s okay. They were enjoying themselves.

My son stayed overnight and everyone, including the pups, is sleeping. The pups woke me at 3:30, so I came downstairs to let them potty, made some coffee, brought the puppies back into their pen, and they settled right down to sleep some more.

I’m enjoying the quiet before the pups wake again. Plans for today include the meal prep and clean-up, and that’s really about it. We will video call my daughter and her family to wish them a merry Christmas. It will certainly be different without them here for Christmas. I have a couple of presents for my son to unwrap, plus the presents my daughter sent. So, once everyone else is awake and has had their coffee, we can unwrap them. It’ll be a pretty chill Christmas.

FCM, I hope everyone feels well enough to enjoy Christmas today.

Well, it’s time for another cup of coffee. The kitchen was already clean, and I tidied anything out of place as I made my coffee this morning (there wasn’t much). Thus, I can cruise the net, and relax.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 62 Amurrkin out and rainy with a predicted high of 67 with rain all day. At least we get to be inside and dry. Rib roast is out of da fridge to come to room temp before it gets shoved in the oven. It will need the most cook time. The N.O.T., green beans 'n ‘shrooms, and rolls won’t take long at all. Folks will arrive around eleven. We shall have mimosas and nosh a bit. The big feast will be around one p.m. Hopefully everyone will be gone around three p.m. I am runnin’ on not too much sleep. The service last night was great, but didn’t get home and in the bed until twelve-thirty a.m.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then I suppose I should purtify and be presentable to receive guests. Heavenly hosts are well and good, but slovenly hosts are never acceptable.

Merry Christmas and Happy Moanday Y’all!

Be prepared for some weird-ass “recommended for YOU!” and "… ALSO shopped for … " links for a while.

Because of Da Dope, I’ve learned to open all Amazon links from here in Incognito mode. (Especially after the “Did you know you can get Ash Wednesday ashes on Amazon?!?” discussion a few years back. I shouldn’t’ve clicked around. Coupla days later, it felt like the folks at Amazon were giving me more crap about being a lapsed Cath’lick than my own mother, and even she’s laid off on that one. Finally. Mostly.)

I heard somewhere that they intentionally dropped Alan Rickman before he was expecting it, so that look of shocked surprise on his face is genuine.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate such things. Very foggy morning here in MSP, and so far it’s just me and the cat, as the wife is sleeping in a bit. Nothing planned for the day, although I may make spaghetti carbonara later. Or perhaps leftovers. Either way is good. We don’t exchange gifts, so there’s none of that angst going on. Did the family visit thing over the past two days, so it will be quiet around here.

The fog has finally burned off here, but we’re promised rain on T-W-T - rah!

Tobias is still sicky, so Daughter and Roxy well be over shortly to head north with us. I’m showered and dressed, FCD just got out of the shower, and at least for now, the sun is shining.

Ho ho ho.