(Old) So you want to be a star in the MMP

How many of us dreamed of being on the stage or screen as kids?

I used to think I wanted to be a dancer or a singer, and I certainly wouldn’t let shyness or a lack of talent stop me. OK, I did. But the dreams were there. And I figure it probably worked out for the best. :wink:

Did you have dreams of your name in lights?

Happy Moanday!


Nah, just wanted to be a pilot. Never really wanted the limelight.

Good morning all.

Secondest! I never wanted to be in the spotlight, I’m far too much of a shy retiring wallflower for that kind of thing. I admire people who are able to do that, but it’s definitely not for me.

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 16c/60f with a predicted high of 18c/65f, and partly cloudy. Weather app says “It’s fucking mint outside, which is great unless you’re a cat. Cats hate that fucking shit.” It’s definitely cloudy, cool and a nice breeze. I’ve had a slow start to the week, our campus wifi and VPN connection has been out for a while so very little has been done.

Just as well really, that allowed me to faff about with other things, one of which was getting the vacuum out and cleaning up the mess of cat litter that the fosters have kicked out of the tray. I’ve put some extra newspaper down around it now, so next time it should be less of a mess to clear up. Their proper fosterer has finally been able to stop the water leak in the house but they’ve had to rip out the small upstairs bathroom, and have to wait for everything to dry out before someone can look at repairing all the damage.

Blossom and Cherry might be with us for a while yet! They were both under the bed last night, I know they’ve had food, and they’ve used the litter tray, and Blossom even got close enough for a little bit of fuss. Today they’re hiding again, I think they’re downstairs under some shelving which is almost impossible for a human to reach but very easy for a cat. Ophelia used to hide under there too, when she got a whiff of the idea we were going away and she was off to the feline holiday home.

I am working from home, or trying to, so nothing very exciting in my day. It’s my turn to cook tonight, I got some mince out of the freezer so it’s either chilli or keema tonight, depends how the fancy takes me. I should be done with irk by 4pm so I can fit in a Rockfit class - I peeked at today’s class, I am familiar with a few of the tracks, there’s one that I have tried several times and just can’t get the hang of so there will be much flailing around through that one! Never mind, it’s all good stuff.

Cup of tea next, and then it’ll be time to consider what to have for lunch.

When I was in high school, I dreamed of being a star on Broadway. The thought was still there as a possibility until college when I started hanging around with the theater crowd and taking theater classes. That’s when I realized that I couldn’t act my way it of a paper bag. Singing, yeah. Acting, forget it!

It’s currently 67 degrees here in Nashville, though we’re supposed to hit 91. Days like today, I’m grateful that I have working AC in my van. Especially since I’ll be driving Dad around. Neither of us needs that.

I remember bits of my dream last night: we were being forced to move in less than a day, nothing was packed, we had no boxes in which to pack anything and we didn’t even have a truck. I was trying to get ahold of my nephew and MFN because they were the only people I knew locally with trucks, but nobody would answer me. I spent most of what I remember of the dream panicked trying to figure out how to pack everything. This was actually one of my more mundane dreams.

Time to start getting ready for the day, I guess. As much as I’m looking forward to spending time with Dad and getting extra keys for the van, I wish I could curl back up under the covers for a few more hours of sleep.

Wanted to be an astronomer or an archaeologist from early on (I’m neither). My mother told me “There’s no money in that: you need to be an engineer” (I’m not). Turned out that understanding physics was a major roadblock to anything in the sciences for me, and that I was much better at understanding the human mind. Still, the cosmos is endlessly fascinating to me 70 some years later.

Mornin, all! Tis 54, heading for low 70’s here abouts. I’m currently waiting for my folks to stop by before they start their way home to Maine. It has been a nice visit with them. Lots of walks in some of the local parks and gorges. But it’ll be good to go back to normal.

I sort of wanted to be a star back in high school. The last show my senior year was Romeo and Juliet. I was Romeo, and I built the set, hung the lights, and pretty much everything else. Then, like realfish I realized in college that onstage wasn’t the place for me, so set design and painting were what I did. 10 years of that, then I switched to what I do now–build things.

Now, onward into the day. After my folks come through, it’ll be off to the shop for a deep clean. It has been 6 months that I’ve been pretty much out straight and haven’t cleaned. Woo, as they say, hoo.

Spousal unit and I were listening to music of our youth on the radio, and I commented about how many times Mick Jagger has sung Satisfaction over the years. In my youth, the thought of being on stage surrounded by applause was so appealing, but the possibly tedium of such a career never occurred to me. Then again, maybe Mick really likes that song.

Similarly with stage actors - how do they say the same lines night after night making each time sound like the first? But, that’s what acting’s about, right? At least good acting. I’ve seen some pretty bad acting over the years, including from supposed professionals, so apparently there is a degree of talent involved.

Anyway, showered and dressed and ready to run some errands. FCD will be dropping Higgs off at the groomer and I’ll be picking her up on my way home from my various stops. It’s overcast, but no rain in the forecast, and sun promised for the afternoon. I hope I can get everything done before it gets too warm.

So, onward!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and all caffeinated so no YAWN. ‘Tis 67 Amurrkin out and N.O.S. with a predicted high of 87 and N.O.S. for the day. Mayhaps there shall be cee-mint pond time this afternoon. Sup shall be grilled chikin tenders sliced over sallit accompained by cheesey garlic bread. As I think about it all, afternoon day drinkin’ by the cee-mint pond followed by that for sup sounds like a perfect way to spend the day!

I acted in a couple of plays in high skool, which was fun, but I knew I had not the talent to pursue a career. Same with music. I like to sing, but have no kind of professional trainin’. I kinda sorta self-taught myself to read music, but will admit I am not that great at doin’ so.

From last week’s MMP, Bumba glad you are home from the horsepistol. Hope the new med(s) help get things all sorted out.

OK, all fed and caffeinated, so, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Yes. I dreamed of being a famous actress or comedianne as a kid. As I got older, I realize there’s lots about being famous that is the pits, so I am glad I am not. My Buddy is staying with me this week, visiting from West Virginia and yesterday we went to get a pedicure, and I got to take her out to one of my favorite restaurants. She never had Peruvian food. Now I have to irk and I’m sad. But we are getting a new kitty tomorrow and my friend will be here all week. So yay! Happy Moanday to ya’ll!

Wanted to be a Pilot. Then an architect.

I wanted hands on stuff. I studied mechanical engineering in college. I love to work with my hands. I took a computer course. Pascal programming language ‘The new thing’. Punch cards. Hated it. Dropped the entire idea of computers and college. I almost tried fine art which I love. I was drifting, and I knew it.

And now here I sit 100 miles away from my home that is 20 miles away from our computer servers preparing to have a meeting with someone else in a few hours. I have no idea where this person works or resides, except its on earth.

I’m now a GIS Applications Engineer. Which combines hands on skills, engineering, and art. - Maps.

I never really followed a dream, it followed me.

I tried to post a link to a video in Youtube but found I can’t. Anyway, it was something I meant to place in the previous MMP when we were talking about our love of cheese. If you go to Youtube and put in the search terms Dr. Busker Jerusalem you will probably find it. It’s a really funny parody of the British music for “Jerusalem” and it’s about cheese.

G’mornin’, kids!

I had acting lessons during my childhood and regularly took part in school and church plays. I was a speech & debate kid all four years of high school. During my aimless young adulthood I entertained notions of becoming a radio host or DJ. I have (had?) a very deep, rumbling kind of voice, I had to do a lot of very diligent vocal training to speak in an androgynous kind of register. I don’t think about it at all anymore though, I would have to concentrate to lower my voice again.

This morning I am at the teeny li’l Fargo airport waiting for my plane to Colorado, thence to Montana. I’ll be there all week for a Tribal Librarians’ conference. Dunno if I’ll check in during the week or not, we’ll see.

Love y’all lots!

Morning all. Stayed in until 0730 this morning, so maybe my 6am wake-up button is turned off. No shopping today, I leave Thorsday for a long weekend refereeing soccer in Knoxville and have sufficient supplies for the next couple of days. 76F heading to near 90, so another good day to be inside.

First dream I can remember was to be a train engineer, but was a fairly shy kid and never wanted to act in public. Don’t mind talking to people in a group, but as myself only and as a SME (Subject Matter Expert), not as an actor.

janis (apologies, forgot your Mumper name), don’t think I ever had Peruvian either, and yay! on the new feline and old friend.

And that’s all I have on Moanday morning. Will probably get my swimming-n-sauna in and do a bit of banking and then have a 7pm on-line conference, so have that to look forward to. Everyone have a good week now.

Always wanted to be rich. Never had any interest in famous. By these standards I’ve been a failure and a success respectively.

Ref Cookie my late first wife went to U of Arizona which had a premier Astronomy department. As a newbie freshman she was fired up with the idea of being an astronomer and declared that as her major. A wise old professor took her aside and explained that the USA produced 100 new astronomers per year, and 5 new jobs for them. Considering the era I suspect something he meant but did not say was that all 5 such jobs were reserved for men. She changed majors.

As FCM says, I always wonder about the sheer tedium of delivering the same songs or lines over and over. I know I’ve attended live performances of brand-name acts that were very energetic and fresh-feeling and others that were pretty perfunctory and stale-feeling. I suppose one advantage to a band, as opposed to a leading role actor is the band will sound “up” unless they’re all down that night. OTOH, when the leading man/woman is flat tonight the whole performance will be too.

OTOH, in my biz we do the same script over and over and over. Although there is boredom, the fact it’s performed in real time with no net means there’s always some curveballs coming at you to keep it interesting. I suppose live stage performance has the same real-time no-net curveballs.

Welcome back bumba. We were worried, and it turns out for good reason.

Scary stuff for sure. I’m no cardiologist, but if heavy labor preparing to move house put me in V-tac for an hour I think that after returning home from a week’s hospitalization I might not go straight back to doing heavy labor in prep to move. Something to think about.

Enjoy the conference Niner; we’ll keep the drivel wisdom flowing in your absence. But a full trip report will be required within 48 hours of your return. :wink:

When you said you were fostering cats which immediately went into deep hiding I had a feeling you might be fostering them for weeks or months after their regular people wanted them back. Sounds like an occupational hazard of cat fostering. Given how aloof cats are, I’m not even sure bringing their regular people into your house would help them emerge.

How do you solve this problem if the cats won’t cooperate?

As to me:
Yesterday was awful. Lots of runny nose, sneezing, eyewatering, and none of the usual symptom meds did much of anything. Other than that I was fine. Which meant I was bored shitless. So did I accomplish anything productive? Of course not.

Slept 9+ hours overnight & awoke feeling better, but far short of right. At least today is just stuffy. So far. I formed a theory that I might be allergic to something on the balcony; the building exterior is pretty infested with pigeons. So will avoid going out there for a couple days to see if anything changes.

Now mid-morning it’s time to post this, get sheveled, and eat. Then retire to my chair until stuffiness subsides or I can’t stand it any more.

Cheers all!

Hey there. Back from another Camino. I like being on stage, but want to be up there reading my own work more than acting/singing, which I did when I was younger. I’ve had a certain amount of on-stage reading and hope for more as COVID continues to abate. I also like teaching and professional training, which with 100 or more students/participants shared aspects of performing. I presented a memoir-writing talk with workshop elements to 50-60 people at a conference recently, which was lovely. After a reading at my college reunion this year, I sold 10 copies of my book, so that’s cool, too.

Back again already, I have had my dog Mauser to the vet. Oh, he is fine, it was just an ordinary checkup. But I;m distressed because after all these years the doc is finally talking about retiring. I have been taking my pets to him for thirty four years, and that’s probably the longest I’ve ever had a relationship with any type of professional. He;s been there from my first cat to the dog and cat I have now, Thinking of seeing another vet is terrible. If he’s serious I think I would ask him to recommend someone else.

So once again they managed to jam Yellow on a Monday. And after that I got to load an entire 4 car set. Which ended up less bad than I thought. Just barely.

So did I.But the bad eyesight and poor hand eye coordination put the kabosh on that. I suppose my greatest success was as a cartoonist. “Success” being relative. :wink:


If it had been a case of taking the cats for a few days until their own home was habitable again, I would have kept them in a room with the door closed so they were confined (even though I feel it’s wrong to do that to a cat) and we’d have a much better chance of finding them! My initial thought would indeed have been to get their fosterer to come here in the hopes that the sound of a familiar voice would bring them out.

However, as well as aloof, they’re also timid and scared so they will come out eventually, it just needs time and patience. Our plan is to leave them wherever they want to be, and to keep putting food out close to the places where we think they are hiding. Having established they were both upstairs last night, we were able to close off one room downstairs so they definitely can’t get in there.

I’ve heard rustling sounds downstairs which makes me think they’re behind the sofa, they’re quite safe there and there’s food and water in that room. If we let them settle, they’ll come out when they’re ready. Eventually they may return to the original fosterer, otherwise they might just stay here and she’ll have some other little mite that needs a good home.

I have possibly the worst singing voice in the world. Just imagine Dennis Hopper doing an impression of Stevie Nicks singing bass.

Erranding complete, for now. I did the stuff I had to do and picked up Higgs from the groomer. Car guy called - it wasn’t the transmission (WHEW!!) but something in the ignition system - he told me and I forgot all but the part about 4 new spark plugs and $616 (for the repair, not just the plugs.) When FCD gets back, we can pick it up.

Transporting a 16’ deck board was fun, even in a truck with an 8’ bed. I had it all the way forward, then propped on the tailgate. I tied it to the trailer hitch to keep it from sliding back and forth and I drove home slower than usual just to be sure. In a little bit, I’ll go out and remove the old board, then put this on in its place. I think it needs to dry out a bit before I paint it - it’s damp from being pressure treated.

Never did get the towels into the washer. They can wait till tomorrow.

For now, I’m taking a little break.