OK, Sorry for kinda stealin’ a thread nameDAVEBEAR but I need the advice of the good folks at the S-or-S Pub!
I’m having a mid-life crisis!
I work for a big computer-oriented company, and I have been unhappy for the better part of a year. I MAY be on the slight side of paranoia, but my job will probably be gone in two or three years. IF I could manage to stand staying there for another 6 years, I could retire.
Problem is, I’m coming home almost every nite with my chin dragging on the ground I’m so unhappy. And it’s starting to wear on my wife, who has been retired for a couple years now.
I m living on about $2300 a month (net, after taxes and deductions and 401K contributions), and manage to pay all the bills, (we split everything), the motrgage, the two of us have three cars, two paid for, and I manage to keep a small savings for cash on hand.
I have been starting to think of other opportunities or “things I could do to make a living that I would be HAPPY at”, and the other day I saw an add for a $10/hr job working for a home audio place, that includes nice bennies, and that could work into being a custom home theater installer(i.e. more pay), which is what I think I’d like to do in a new career. You know, do something that brings JOY to people!
So I applied.
And, they called.
NOW what do I do?
Of course, I know the real question is, can I afford to take a 2/3 cut in pay? Shoot, my half of the mortgage is $550, then there’s about $100 a week for groceries. I don’t know, it will certainly drastically change my lifestyle, that’s for sure!
What would the SoS Pub crowd do??? Gaaaaaaa!!!