OMG, I'm the first? An MMP


I can’t believe that I slept in till almost 6:30 this morning!! It was especially nice because there’s a gentle shower falling and it’s a very soothing sound. :smiley:

Glad I did my laundry yesterday - it’s supposed to rain for the next 5 days. Also glad **FCD **mowed yesterday and I got some weeds pulled. Not a lot, but it was something.

Today we have appointment #3 with the financial planner at our credit union. We’re trying to decide how to deal with our retirement funds so we can live happily ever after. Money is an interesting thing. We can say “We have $X000000” and it sounds like a lot, but when you look at your budget and how long you expect to live, suddenly, it’s not all that much. Fortunately, our mortgage is our only debt, but when we re-fi’d, we did it for 20 years, so the payment is higher. On the other hand, in 18 more years, it’ll be paid off, and then it’ll feel like we’re getting a raise.

For me, the biggest concern is cash on hand. I wish we had more in savings. So my advice to all you pre-retirement folks: save save save save save!!! And plan a little, too. While we were working, it always felt like there’d be lots of time, till there wasn’t. I promise it sneaks up on you way faster than you expect!! Anyway, we’ll be seeing the guy this morning, and I’m hoping today we can put some things into action.

Meanwhile, the house has been open more than 24 hours! I’m loving it!!!

Happy Tuesday!

In spades



Happy Toosday!

It’s a cloudy 66 degrees, it looks yukky out.

Today is pizza day, laundry day, and feed the cats day.
The HFH is gone for a few days and nobody thought to tell me.

I’m tired and cranky today. I shouldn’t be but I am.

A guy I used to date and am still friends with came by last night. He needed a new phone and it turns out I had 6 - yes count them SIX! - old phones I was keeping as spares. I’ve been meaning to give them to the county for them to give to the elderly to use in emergencies.
So now I have only 5 spare phones. I don’t know how I have come to have so many phones because I have given away a least 3.

My head is foggy and I have lots to do today.


I’m really hoping one of the houses I saw yesterday says yes to me- they seemed really nice, and organised, and they’re starting a house share, which I’d much prefer to moving into an existing one and getting stuck with existing ‘oh, we always have a karaoke night on tuesdays’ sort of stuff with no say. The landlord seems decent (is letting them have a say in redecoration), and they want someone to move in just at the right time for me- with a few days overlap so I have enough time to get this place fully cleared.

They’re showing a few other people round today, so I should hear back by thursday. Am crossing fingers, arms, legs and eyes.

I think the other one was a no-go. I don’t really want to be a lodger if I can avoid it- I don’t think I’d feel very comfortable with it for long, especially as she had a kid, and two kitties, so I’d not be able to take the mice.

Happy toosdy!

Yawn. Meh. I’m not quite blurf, but I suppose I’m blurfish. I can’t decide if it’s my new medication that’s making me so tired, or if it’s the knowledge that I am off the hook for anything at all to do until late September. No weddings, no birthdays, no planned trips anywhere. Six weekends coming up with nothing decided in advance. It’s like a vacation where I still have to go to work during the week.


Maine was beautiful! My family was annoying! Just as I predicted.

I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. I is a zombie. BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINS! OM-NOM-NOM!

Did you bring us lobster??

You have aquariums too, do you not?

Morning y’all! It’s nice to have nothing to do today.

Yeah, but the fish tanks have lids, and the smell of cats doesn’t freak fish or axolotls out like it does mice, so that’d probably be OK. I might wind up not taking the fish when I do go- them plus mice plus axolotls is a bit much in one room, I only have a few tetras at the moment, as I was hoping to redo the tank ‘in a bit’ and a friend’s kid is really after fish- so I might offer her a long-term loan of the tank. Not sure yet.

I’m not sure how, but my head is still attached. I woke up at 1AM, in a sort of panic attack of violent sneezing, which was made all the more interesting with the CPAP doing its merry best to counteract this. So much for the “micro” hypoallergenic filters in the CPAP machine protecting me from marauding pollen and dust. :rolleyes:

Much bigger news… We’re planning to finally go home. Charlotte may be where we are, and where our stuff is, but “home” is Northern California. It won’t be this year, and it won’t be next year, unless some winning Powerball tickets come our way, but we are getting away from here one way or another.

I am a problem-fixing machine. In the last couple weeks, I’ve talked to my boss about being overwhelmed at work, seen a doctor for my returning depression and gotten medicated, and now I’ve got an appointment next week for an orthopedist to tell me what the hell is wrong with my knee. My house is still kind of a mess, but I’ll take care of that as I get to it.

The big problem thus far seems to be that Zoloft makes me sleepy. I took a nap when I got home from work yesterday, and it was glorious. I used to nap when I got home from work all the time, but it started becoming problematic once I passed into my thirties, and it would keep me up half the night. I realized that maybe depression medication makes me need afternoon naps–I stopped the post-work nap right around the same time my doctor took me off the meds. I would not be terribly disappointed in the return of afternoon naptime. I don’t have many post-work weeknight obligations, and I slept just fine last night.

I really effing love naps, too.

my bitties started kindergarten today!!

Good luck Nuts

I like naps too. I need them lately with being so stressed.
Everyday brings something new to stress about and I’m stressing about things I don’t need to stress about.

I need to get up and get moving and I just donwanna.

I was forced to consume it all so it didn’t spoil. burp :smiley:

I would like to get some work done today, ya hear? Stop distracting me!

Also, Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer on repeat. All day long. I’m doing it, people!

Heh, she’s a cutie alright.

Howdy Y’all! I had a right productive trip over to the west forty today. Plus, it has yet to rain so I didn’t get into any. It shall rain in a while however. Definite rain clouds buildin’. My suspicions of the participant workin’ were unfounded. I’m actually glad for this. Turns out what he’s doin’ is collectin’ rent payments for a storage place in his town in exchange for free storage space. I told him I thought that was pretty slick. :smiley: We were also able to resolve some issues he was havin’ at his trainin’ site so all is well. I stopped by another place to see my sweet lady who’s there just to say howdy. She’s at an adult learnin’ center as an “aide.” She really does not do all that much but she’s 84 and they love her there and that’s fine by me. As far as I’m concerned all is well.

Nuts appropriate/inappropriate appendages crossed re the house.

Apes just think, in thirteen more years they’ll graduate from high school!

I like naps as well. I usually try to sneak in one on Sattidy or Sunday afternoon when I can. No nappage durin’ the irk week though cause those don’t do well by me.

Welcome back lucky! Glad you had a good time even with annoyin’ family. It’s fine with me that you didn’t bring lobsters cause I’m not a fan. They have a weird texture/taste combo to me.

gotti y’all have any idea of a timeframe for the move back home? Hope it works out soon as possible.

doggio you hangin’ all week in Savannah? I like Savannah.

$2.99 look over here at all the purty, shiny stuff! :stuck_out_tongue: