OMG OMG OMG Gross Gross! I touched someone's loogie!

Quasi, you gotta stop apologizing - you haven’t said anything remotely offensive! At least, in terms of being personally so.

Dear Stoid, I hope you win TEN million dollars.

Hmmm… because you genuinely wish me well in this endeavor…or because you hope to entice me to share with you some of this bounty? Hmmmm…Well, I’ll take your wish and share, whether that was your intention or not! Because when I win ten million dollars I will have more than enough to spread around. (especially if I invest well and make sharing a regular feature of my wealthy life, as I intend)

That was in my top three things I enjoyed about “having money”. I LOVE to be able to spread the wealth. The other two things I liked about it were not having to worry about how stuff would get taken care of, and being able to go where I wanted.

If the universe bends to my will, eventually, you will win that million bucks, but by then, I’ll have enough and I’ll be able to have you send my hundred bucks to a charity, rather than being the charity. :smiley:

A little from column A, a lot from column B. :slight_smile:

I found $100 in the trash once. The difference was the “trash” was a paper grocery sack in my bedroom, the contents of which were completely known to me, and I wasn’t scavenging; I had dumped it out on my floor to look for my math homework.

A hundred bucks is a FORTUNE to a 12 year old. I still have no idea where it came from. My older brother or one of his friends, I guess. They sold a lot of pot so it makes sense.

so the OP is that crazy lady who hangs out at a convenience store picking through their trash and runs in screaming when she touches something gross. people like her make retail interesting all right.

like some others have said, get a second job. or a first one. i’m hard up for money myself, but i’m looking for (more) work, and in school, not banking on lottery tickets from the freaking garbage. good god, have some dignity.

Back in the mid 80s Ms Hook and I went with a friend to an amature boxing match in Rock Springs, WY. The big draw was this middleweight who was, at the time, ranked no. 2 or 3 in the nation.

We’re watching his fight from the front row and he’s winning quite handily. In an extremely professional looking series of moves he takes a couple of shots at the guys ribs (you could actually see them paralyze him) and then busts him a good on in the jaw. As he steps back the soon to be loser leans over on his side and throws up.

At this point I hear Ms Hook making all sorts of oogy noises. I figure it’s from seeing the guy heave.

But no. She shoved her hand in front of my face and there on the back of it was a very generous wad of snot and blood.
Oddly she has never asked to go see another fight since.

And deprive y’all of so much entertainment? That’d be downright cruel.

i dunno, stoid. you seem to think you’re being the sdmb court jester when in reality most of the people who have posted in this thread are laughing at you(not with you). i mean trust me i know all about being desperate for cash and i could do things like dig through trash cans, panhandle, search my cabinets for items the stores might take back, etc. but to me it’s just not worth it. i’d rather spend my time bettering myself with college classes and searching for a better job or a second job. just because my current economic status is at the bottom of the barrel doesn’t mean my behavior has to reflect that.