Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

Even though it came from the most unlikeable character in the movie, “Broke into the wrong goddam rec room, didn’t you!” was the best line in Tremors.

Burt & Heather Gummer inspired my custom colonies in RimWorld. Buncha heavily-armed pawns deliberately setting up a compound on the Rim, the name of which tends to be “Gummer” + some terrain feature.

We quote that line a lot. It really is a perfect movie in its genre.

I agree, and that genre would be “clever humans triumphing over something powerful but stupid.”

I just now wondered how much of those creatures was drawn from Dune sandworms (this could also go under “things I realized after the millionth time”) – travels underground, sensitive to vibration, can’t go through rock, mouth opens in a similar way (although 4 parts instead of 3). I am slow, but I get there eventually.

The Chinese purposefully infected us! We’ll show them by … dying. USA!

/hijack/ Did you know that the SIXTH one is out? A Cold Day in Hell is just as entertaining as the rest of them, GO BERT!!! /end hijack/

I thought the entertainment value fell way off after the first. A few were nearly unwatchable.

You didn’t smoke enough weed.

The missing part seems to be: Hammocking in a thing. Setting up your hammock and just hanging out there (literally). The more adventurous enthusiasts like to find more out-there places to do this.

The power line hammockers are a bit more adventurous than most.

Xtreme napping.

RIP Timbo the Redneck. The world has lost a bright abs shinng star:

Anyone posted this one yet? It’s pretty awesome.

Any guesses as to his political affiliation?

Who are Maxwell Berry’s parents?

Maxwell’s father and mother are Christopher Lee Berry and Lisa Ann Wilkinson Berry. According to Conan Daily, his father is a computer tech and his mother works as a teacher at the Norwalk Catholic School. They live in Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio. Both of them are Republicans.

“How rich I am?” I’ll bet every cent he has is dependent on those parents. If they have any guts and/or sense* they’ll see what an entitled monster they’ve made and cut him off at the knees. Let’s see how “rich” he is when he has to earn his own living.

*I know, fat chance, but a fella can dream.

Not familiar with New York Daily News.
A quibble, but nice to see them referring to pick-up trucks as “beloved”.

Maybe not. Despite his ranting on Twitter, they don’t sound all that rich. The story at Skywatcher’s link says:

. . . his father is a computer tech and his mother works as a teacher at the Norwalk Catholic School.

If they are indeed worth two million dollars (and there’s no reason whatsoever to assume that a single word Mr. Berry said or tweeted has any basis in fact), I’d bet that it’s all in their house. They probably lucked out on a changing neighborhood or something. It might also include 401k plans or pensions.

I’d bet money that he’s an unstable asshole, and that they know this, and that they’re both ashamed of him and concerned for him, as parents will be.

Maybe, but look at their political affiliation in that snippet quoted in @Skywatcher’s post. You know, the “protect but does not bind, bind but does not protect” party.

Norwalk is a rural town. I highly doubt they have a house worth that much in that area. If they do have money, it probably came from some sort of family connection.

2nd had it’s moments.

“I feel I was denied critical need-to-know information.”

This is supposed to be one of the flight attendants, discussing the event. Passenger taped to seat after attacking flight attendants on flight to Miami, police say - YouTube