Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

You know, I’m done with typing people’s politics based on looks, now that I’m back in the world and meeting people. Ive just met way too many blue collar beer-gutted men that are liberal Democrats, and too many long-haired tie-dyed yoga hippies that are Trump Won conspiracy freaks.
In the absence of a MAGA hat or a Joe Biden swim ring (one of my neighbors brings one to the pool on a regular basis) or some other clear-cut indicator, I’ve learned I just can’t tell by looking.

Oh absolutely. And my change in political stance didn’t come with a change in wardrobe. I’m just saying that at least in this case it seems to fit.

The treatment is bizarre yet effective. The way other piggies respond to the prolapse is horrifying though.

But you are voluntarily watching this?

I’m guessing farmers do what they seem to always do, place a tight rubber band around it.


Geez, guys, enough. Ew.

Yeah, this.

My unvaxxed Trumpist gun nut brother is a long-haired tie-dyed Deadhead freak who’s fine with gay people getting married and women being in control of their own bodies

My beerbellied, goateed, short-haired Budweiser-swilling blue-collar buddy from way back (elementary school) is a hard-core Marxist stonemason union member labor activist who despises the way his fellow union members voted for Trump and would still get behind him (and also thinks the Democratic Party has abandoned labor). Oh, and he also owns guns.

Ya never know.

I voluntarily watch. :grin: It’s sort of like pimples, or those old surgery shows on TLC…you just can’t look away.

Yep, they stick a tube in there and put a rubber band or a castration band around it, if it’s handy. Also, it’s important to isolate the affected piggy so his/her pen mates don’t start nibbling.

And yes, the show features abscesses too. Depending on which vet is doing the lancing, you might even get a description of the smell.

McCarthy faces calls to resign over alleged joke about hitting Pelosi with gavel (

He made a joke about a violent act against a woman. What a dumb fuck.

From the wtelf file

Hanging your hammock way up on a high-tension transmission tower, because, umm, what?

Staying away from Graboids, as seen in the documentary “Tremors”.

Yeah, seems like a crucial part of this story is missing from that article.

Perhaps the closing of a local insane asylum?

Lost boys from the southern FLDS enclave?

If the COVID is a scare and a hoax and libtard way of stealing our freedums, why do they care about this? If it’s a hoax, who cares if was chinese? If its a biological attack on the US, why tell people its a hoax and that masks are social distancing are for pussies?

Too bad you’ve proven yourself to be a lying, self-serving dick.

When you get sent to jail, it doesn’t really matter if you’re willing or not.

Pompous windbag.

Antivaxers’ fear of the vaccinated supposedly shedding spike proteins and posing dire threats to their health and fertility also has a positive aspect, if it causes them to keep their distance from me when they see I’m wearing a “vaccinated” t-shirt.

Particularly if you don’t have a tactical rec room.

It looks like they’re not that far from Idaho; doesn’t everyone in that part of the country have a tactical rec room?