Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

That was hilarious.
TIL there’s duct tape on airliners.

Well, of course there is. You get a hole in the wall, you have to have something to patch it with, before everybody dies. However, I suspect the stuff of airplanes is duck tape.

I carry duct tape in my bag on my kayak and pontoon boats. I’ve had it come in handy more ways than you can imagine.

Well, more ways most folk other than running coach can imagine.

Or the Heinlein strategy from “Gentlemen, Be Seated!”

Imagination is important.

That guy is a comedian. He’s got his own YouTube channel.

He’s pretty funny.


Old rule of side-of-the-road motorcycle repair:

If it moves and it isn’t supposed to, duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it is supposed to, WD-40.

I don’t know if that was duct/duck (whatever) tape. I think it was that clear packaging tape which would surly be just as, if not more effective. I would not surprise me if either tape was available to flight attendants.

What also should have happened is the biggest guys on the plane also go sit near this ass to baby sit him. But that would be a totally voluntary job.

Kind of surprised that flight attendants don’t have other easier, quicker restraints. They have seat belt extenders for the very obese. Not sure if two of those together would work, but… maybe something like that. Wrap them around the seat, and hook them together with the buckles out of reach.

The FA did the right thing IMHO though. The guy was clearly out of control and the FA improvised. Good for them.

That he is out on $1500 bond is ridiculous. Add at least one zero to that. And a no fly list too.

Let’s hope for sexual assault charges.

Viz. his “my titties” comments in the video, he could go after sexual assault as well.

Again, this guy is a comedian. He is not actually a flight attendant, and was not actually on that flight.

Many passengers where laughing but I’m sure many where terrified. He was completely out of control and needs to pay a price for that. I’m not sure what that should be.

Missed that, thanks.

Next flight, he gets a window seat…looking in.

I remember a previous story about an out-of-control passenger and how the cabin crew fashioned some sort of restraints out of what they could find or borrow from other passengers, and thinking then that restraints should be stocked by the airliner, perhaps something approved by the FAA.

And as for the no-fly list, usually in such cases the airline in question (Frontier Airlines, in this case) bans the passenger. Depending on how dominant the carrier is where you live, this may be a major hassle. I don’t know if other airlines can also ban you based on misbehavior on another carrier.

Zillow thinks the parents’ house is worth a hair North of $171k.

The rest must be in cryptocurrency :wink:

Has it really come to this – where shit-faced, entitled, sexually predatory asshole kids can’t even be trusted to tell the truth ??



Of course he’s never going to live this down. Not that he should; the idea of bragging about how wealthy his parents are supposed to be is truly pathetic. (Not to mention that a two-million-dollar net worth really isn’t all that much.)