Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

They did use seat belt extenders in addition to duct tape. I saw it mentioned in one of the articles on the subject. Also mentioned that duct tape is standard equipment aboard airliners for cases just such as this.

In case anyone missed it, this has happened before. About a month ago, a female passenger went berserk on a flight and tried to open the aircraft door. She was restrained and gagged with duct tape.

Oh, I mean come the fuck on, now

Next thing you know, some group is going to reject gravity. Numbnuts just floating around everywhere, geez!

I see you haven’t met the flat Earthers!

Obviously not what you’d call reliable journalism but you’re not the first person to speculate.

It’s time to try defying gravity -
I think I’ll try defying gravity
And you can’t pull me down.

I fought the law (of gravity)
And the law won.

Well, everyone knows that the trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


There’s some guy in that group, a Covidiot with a public Facebook page, who began experiencing chills, fever and a severe cough yesterday.

He’s being advised to rest and eat healthy raw fruits, with a specific recommendation that he disconnect from social media.

I won’t be able to resist checking back in on his Facebook page over the next week or so.

But the big thing on that group is that since there are no diseases, nothing is contagious - if you get sick after being around someone sick is either coincidence or exposure to the same stress and toxins.

If you define toxins as “viruses and bacteria”, then they are right, from a certain perspective /Obi-wan Kenobi

If at first you don’t succeed . . .
Maybe skydiving isn’t the right thing for you.

Sign actually seen by me, on wall at a skydiving venue.

I used to insult right wing nutters by asking if they didn’t believe in germ theory.

You don’t know how sad it makes me to find out they actually don’t. JAQ wept.

It appears to be true.

We, as a species, are too stupid to survive.

The idiocy is that someone write down his words and made a story about it.

I have an uncle that thinks the ducks understand him. How about a story on him?

Maybe an article on Quackwatch?

Oh, the ducks understand me just fine.

They just refuse to LISTEN. Stupid-ass ducks,

"Duck Whisperer and Ducks have ongoing feud! ‘We’re tired of his shit’ says duck, who asked his name be withheld’,

MTG has been suspended from Twitter for seven days for repeating vaccination lies.











This is like sending a toddler to sit in the corner for 7 minutes because they tried to slit your throat.

Ban her already.