Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

So abashed’s cutesy “ask easily googleable questions”-shtick was finally stomped on, and now they’ve moved to more traditional weirdness, with quantum mechanics and mind

But didn’t they used to use paragraphs? Was the other nonsense just a lead in to this, or is it just trolling again?

JBGUSA with a nice gem in GD: Should More Murder Suspects Die During Arrests

There’s another OP in a different universe, exactly like that one, but with paragraphs. If that doesn’t blow your mind, nothing will!!!

But … it’s impossible to intuitively understand quantum mechanics, and we can’t explain consciousness – therefore it follows that they explain each other!!

Could this be the kind of rare and brilliant insight that tells us we are in the presence of genius? No, it couldn’t. It’s the kind of delusion that is quite common among the idle inmates of insane asylums, who establish their world views by combining delusionally warped intuition with the complete absence of any knowledge of the subject matter. It’s a classic illustration of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

I can’t be bothered looking for the other OP, but I do believe some other genius put forward the same brilliant logic. My theory is that this is actually the same OP after quantum collapse. It could with equal probability have collapsed into an OP with paragraphs, leading some to speculate that there is a parallel universe which contains an OP just like this one, only with paragraphs. Which is where we all wish abashed lived. Or in banned camp.

I was actually going to start a thread on this pitting, because one of our resident morons has just graduated to full-fledged blatant trolling. But I don’t think enough people interact with him to really care that much, so I’ll put it here.

I know I’ve ranted about watchwolf49 before but he’s now descended to new depths of idiocy in this thread, wherein, not satisfied with being consistently wrong about everything, he is now flat-out trolling. He’s now pontificating, in text festooned with the usual decoration of ellipses, that due to global warming, “… humans are on the cusp of a new Golden Age of social enlightenment, technological advancements and mutual prosperity … global warming is a good thing, the best of all possibilities …” :smiley:

But that’s just the latest in a flurry of other idiotic recent antics, like this marvelous post:

My attention here is drawn by that last pseudo-sentence, if you can call something a “sentence” that is surrounded by two of the usual blizzard of ellipses that accompany anything posted by watchwolf49. Ellipses in his posts are like the driven snow of a fierce winter storm. I would probably have left this alone but in addition to the blatant trolling, I had already noticed that in that same thread, watchwolf49 had recently made numerous erroneous statements and started bloviating about something that is either for or against AGW – I can’t tell which, as it’s pretty much incomprehensible – though I note that GIGObuster is working hard as usual to keep the facts straight. Where GIGO gets his patience I’ll never know, but kudos, my friend.

At any rate, the above post leads me to the following humble commentary.

Dear watchwolf49: I don’t know what “minor slight transgression” you’re referring to, but it must be noted here that almost everything you have ever posted is either wrong, stupid, or incomprehensible, so highlighting some old stupidity from long ago would usually be unnecessary unless it was particularly spectacular. If someone has done this, I very much doubt the transgression was “minor” or “slight”. I would expect it to be so spectacularly stupid that it was extraordinarily moronic even by your decrepit standards. Was it maybe the time you were so completely clueless about what a “climate forcing” was, as I mentioned earlier, that you thought it had something to do with Newtonian force, which you informed us was expressed by the relation F=ma? Because if that’s what it was, watchwolf49, that was certainly stupidity worthy of the rating “spectacular”. But there are so many other examples that it’s hard to know which particular stupidity of yours you’re so sensitive about. There are thousands.

Just about the only things you post that aren’t flat-out wrong are those unique tossed word salads of yours that just make no sense at all. And speaking of being sick and tired, your ridiculous abuse of ellipses has been mentioned to you many times. On the bright side, however, I suspect that fewer and fewer folks are bothering to read your posts any more so it probably doesn’t really matter, especially now that you’ve become a flat-out troll.

lol, HurricaneDikta, one of the so-called “normal conservatives” is outed defending White Nationalists via his subtle use of the “They didn’t CHANT ‘death to Jews’ did they? DID THEY?” tactic, then reversing himself using the classic “Oh, I didn’t know what that meant” ploy.

Even Okrah had enough sense to stay away from that thread.

That’s because he’s here in the Pit instead, which he claims to stay away from because people use bad language.

Insane. Utterly fucking insane. I think of him generally as a pretty reasonable poster, but his positions in that thread are indefensible. I’m pissed off that he’s not better than that.

The guy is a fucking ass.

The guy is always an ass. He always uses these tactics to discuss anything. People usually just give in so that they can move to another topic.

I am beyond disgusted by some of the things people are saying on these boards today. I figured, if one thing could unite us all, it would be a mutual intolerance for Nazis.


People are somehow making the argument that we must support Nazis in order to support free speech. This is odd because no one is saying (as far as I can tell) that they don’t have the right to free speech. It does make me wonder if several posters aren’t just trolling at this point.

To be fair, some people are saying that white supremacists shouldn’t have the right to free speech. Some people are saying they should be shot in the streets.

But the fact of the matter is, they were given their right to free speech, they had their shitty protest and people died, so I don’t understand the obsession with defending them. They were not victimized. They are the victimizers. Someone on the boards just decried the intolerance toward the ‘‘alt-right.’’

I mean, really? We should tolerate white supremacy? The fuck?

Hm. Your post of the superbeast (#6,666) was about Nazis…

Okra doesn’t have any sense beyond knowing how to avoid getting banned, or at least banned quickly.

HurricaneDikta is proof that one can be a courteous poster and still be a far-right loon. There are some far-right pundits like that, like the one that was recently turfed from CNN: suave and polite in appearance and manner, and then he opens his mouth or his keyboard and endorses Nazis.

Why doesn’t defending Nazis violate the “don’t be a jerk” rule? There are a handful of posters that could use a banning.

I think it’s the same principle as freedom of speech is for governments. Forbidding any speech (or worse, opinions) is dangerous for the group - hearing vileness expressed is like being exposed to a virus from time to time in order to maintain your immunity.

Also, if you include “expressing bad opinions” under the “don’t be a jerk” rule, who gets to decide which opinions are bad? If Nazism is bad enough to ban, is communism? Radical Islam? Regular Islam? Yes, this is the slippery slope argument, and it’s called that for a very good reason.

But hate speech is prohibited on the Straight Dope. What is endorsing Nazis other than hate speech?

Though I do want to say I haven’t seen any posts on this board I would classify as banworthy. The white supremacists don’t seem to be around today.

Except that slippery slope arguments are a logical fallacy. I.e. they are not valid arguments (n.b. when there is strong evidence for a chain of events it is no longer a slippery slope argument). Forbidding certain speech isn’t necessarily dangerous. A community, whether it is a nation or a message board, can come together and say no to some speech, without that causing a floodgate of other types of speech being banned.

I wonder what the overlap is between people who yap about shifting the so-called Overton window and those who hand wave away concerns about so-called slippery slopes.