Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

rastafarian Dec 2017
13 posts, including these fine 6 threads. Next he’ll ask if the first one is suppose to be free.
What is the age limit for drinking on international Delta flights?

Why do most antipsychotics cause drowsiness?

What are some other things besides caffeine can I take to keep me awake?

What medicines do doctors usually prescribe for people with migraines?

What’s the legality of cannabis in The Netherlands?

Are there any chemical substances that darken the skin as opposed to lightening it?

His latest. Drinking in the friendly skies.

SeniorCitizen007 is making a big deal out of the 21st century having started in 2001, 17 years into the century. He’s right, of course, but he keeps hammering the point over and over.

And I keep getting sucked into the thread by Dopers who keep saying, “Well, duh, if you start at year 0, it started in 2000.”


You need to stay off of his lawn! :wink:

Here we go. I posted back to his Pit thread. What an irritating little mosquito of a man.

But it’s so inviting. It has a mound, and home plate, and bases, and a backstop. How can you not help bringing your glove, bat, and ball and getting together a pickup game?

I see an irritating little mosquito of a man.
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the fandango?

But as I mentioned in that thread, they are possible.

Meanwhile, Mr Shine seems to be in the midst of committing sparkly suicide.

Possible, but not practical outside of a theoretical design. I apologize for this, but I cannot share the paperwork where Ulam himself even acknowledges that it’s impractical.

The main point in that paperwork is that in a vacuum, with no medium to propagate the overpressure of the blast, your detonation will give a fraction of the ‘push’ you’re looking for. Plutionium ain’t cheap, and to construct primaries for propulsion would be far more expensive than a chemical-based rocket.

Besides, once you’re out of nukes, there’s no more propulsion to get you back home.

Respectfully, it is not a practical design.

That mention of his age increases my suspicion that he is the return of a certain poster who’s first word rhymes with “phlegm.”

Popcorn and lawn chairs available on aisle 4

Nice rhyme. :stuck_out_tongue:

If so he’s another sleeper agent. 300ish posts since 2009.

I’m having a hard time finding an innocent explanation for having thousands or toddler pictures on your computer. At least one I believe.

He’s not looking for “toddlers”, he says he’s looking for “todlers”. A “tod” (from the Middle English todde) is a unit of measure for wool equal to 28 pounds, hence a todler is a wool-seller. In medieval Scotland they would hawk their wares on street corners, and a savvy buyer could usually pick up a tod for about sixteen placks.


Kadmos1 is gonna need more than 5,000 Facebook friends after he writes his Tarzan book. There’s gotta be something he can do about it!

I had to back away from that thread out of the certainty that mentioning that the issue was academic where he was concerned would be a warnable offense.

I thought he was the “I accidentally brought up Hollywood being full of Jews” guy.

I think Tarzan™®© is someone else…

Nope, that’s Kadmos also. He has a Bug Up His Ass® about copyright in general.

Yep, you’re right. I read through some of his posts, and he mentions being blocked on other messageboards, and celebrities’ Facebook accounts.

For multiple bugs Up There™