Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

“Looks that way”? Please quote the post where I state that the ONLY thing that should be done is to threaten potential suitors.

Time to SamuelA entering this thread and advocating nano-brains? I’ll take 5 pm ET.

Now you are pre-Pitting people before they even post anything trollish in a thread? LOL

Yes, please do this.

Not sure which would actually get him into more trouble. The inciting of the panic, or the use of a recording device in a theater.

I’ll try to do it this weekend. Note, the requirements are “Yelling ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater”

And just so it’s clear, if I post a link to a video of me yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater, you all will concede that it IS possible to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater, despite **JohnT **stating that I can’t?

Yeah, and I COULD utter “I have a bomb” at airport security, but I’m not dumb enough to do it.

Has anyone stated that you CAN’T do that?

You’re point was that it’s possible to cry “Fire” in a theater. And of course that’s possible, like speaking about bombs at security clearance. If it’s commendable is a a matter of intellect and basic social skills.

This is by far the dumbest/tedious nitpick from an 8yr old. :rolleyes: Yes, you are physically able to do it, we get it. But you realize everyone else is talking about the moral/legal ramifications for doing so, right?

Sorry, I’m not a big fan of someone saying “You can’t do that!” when they have a bunch of stipulations that they think fall under “can’t” I heard “You can’t do that!” so many times in the military that it became another phrase that I simply dismissed as being said by a moron.

Additionally, don’t say “You can’t do that!” and then when someone says “Yeah, actually I CAN do that”, come back with “Well I meant…” whatever shit you thought you meant when you said it. Just say what you mean, and mean what you say. It’s not hard.

Plus, I will bet you any amount of money you care to wager that I can yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater without suffering any legal ramifications. Care to take that bet?

I’d rather you just not be a socially inept dick. How much does that cost?

No, because that’s too chickenshit. You’ll just yell “Fire!” and run out of the theater like a pussy before anything can be done about it.

How about a variation of what EinsteinsHund mentioned? Go to an airport with a backpack and ask the screeners if the X-ray machine will damage your pipe bomb?

Not sure. How much are you willing to pay?

That seems to be against the spirit of the challenge. I wouldn’t do that.

Sure. How much do you want to bet that I can do that?

Im willing to treat you like a grown up adult human, you know, with respect, if you at least pretend to act like one.

I know you can do it. So can I. So can anyone. I want to know how much it would take to see you do something that moronic.

OR, barring that, how about a $5 gift card from hot topic?

If your definition of acting like a grown up human is agreeing with every single thing you say, then nah, I’m good with myself.