Well, at long last, I can expect mine in December.
We were going to keep it secret for a while, but after the avalanche of telling one person…
It’s been a long hard road and so many here have been supportive.
Thank you so much!
and for the DFW dopers, now you know why in the past I had missed so many gatherings. Thanks for being understanding to my seemingly eratic ways.
Congratulations! That’s fantastic news!
And be sure to register the kid an SDMB username early.
May 4, 2003, 11:21pm
Congrats BNB!
Baby Bad News Baboon? Say it 3 times in a row… I dare ya. I double dog dare ya!
Oh and by the way there are some bennies for Baboon mommies.
Infants as a commodity in a baboon market
S. P. HENZI* & L. BARRETT*†- *Behavioural Ecology Research Group, University of Natal, South Africa†School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool (Received 30 July 2001; initial acceptance 26 September 2001; final acceptance 10 November 2001; MS. number: 7017) We used data from adult female chacma baboons, Papio cynocephalus ursinus, to provide the first test of hypotheses on interchange trading and the structure of a biological market (Noe¨ & Hammerstein 1994, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 35, 1–11) within a primate group. The interchange commodities selected were grooming and handling of infants less than 3 months of age. Patterns of grooming in relation to infant handling showed strong evidence for interchange. Grooming for infant access was initiated by potential handlers and was significantly likely to be non-reciprocated. More critically, the data show that infant ‘supply’ created a market effect: grooming bout duration (the price ‘paid’ for handling) was inversely related to the number of infants present in the group. In addition, there was an inverse relationship between grooming bout duration and the rank distance between mothers and handlers, suggesting that higher-ranking mothers could demand a higher price for infant handling. Where rank distance was high, females were able to handle infants without grooming. Dominance could thus be used to disrupt the infant market effect. If biological markets models are to be fully applicable to primate groups (and those of other social mammals) then the potentially distorting effect of dominance needs to be incorporated into the framework. [/sub]
Congratulations, Babs!
Trying to make baby baboons is always an excuse to miss a gathering.
Congratulations! I’ll make the same offer that I made to Cheffie and Mrs. Cheffie…free babysitting. Just let me know when you need a babysitter.
Yay! Another DFW baby. happy dance
Hmm, must have been something in the water in March. Ours is due Dec. 6.
Congratulations, Minty!
Thanks for the offer Grace!
Now when shall we get together for our menudo fest?
Yum! I’m so there! I also have about five or six dozen tamales in my freezer just waiting to be eaten. We could have a dopefest.
Astro -
now that I am not working anymore, that sounds like a swell plan to supplement the income.
Congratulations! I agree, this calls for a get-together. I’ll have Moxmaiden check this thread out and get some of the info on the whens and wheres. She’s the calendar keeper of the family.
Yea babies!
Congratulations! I only hope I can join your club soon.
jarbabyj’s moving to DFW!
May 5, 2003, 8:55pm
Yay, Babs! I’m glad your wait is over.
WooHoo. Just think of all these doper babies growing up together! It’s going to be wonderful!
Yay! A Bab(y)oon! Happiness to you.