On line indicator.

If you surf the board in “invisible” mode then your online indicator should never be turned on.

You have a sane person in your house?

Lucky you.

According to your thingy, you’re online now, Biggirl.

But why is it there? It has that fun little geeky value, which I always appreciate, but we can’t send messages to other posters. Or, for that matter, do anything with the knowledge that a particular poster is currently online, except that it’d be a bad time to steal their computer.

So why is it there?

We take turns being sane. Yesterday was his turn. :slight_smile:

Thank you, Arnold. That’s what I figured.

Wikkit, I use it in situations where someone’s online, and perhaps waiting for my response. If someone’s that interested, I often make an effort to respond right away. Trading two or three messages in a short time helps to avoid some of the convoluted cross-purpose conversations that get started. Not they get started by me, of course. :stuck_out_tongue: