On the Use of Canes in Japan

Having lived in Japan for about six months, I know that every Japanese home has a genkan (a little entrance area in which one takes off one’s shoes), and that the idea is to keep the “dirtiness” from outside from getting on the floors inside.

I’m curious if this practice applies to the use of canes/walking sticks. If my cane-using friend were to visit my home, should I have a spare “inside” cane for him? Or would he be expected to carry around an “inside” cane for his own use?

Furthermore, do wheelchair-bound people have inside and outside chairs?

Board rules say I’m allowed one…


Its sad that I’ve lived here nine years and yet can’t answer your question!

Re: canes, my WAG would be that the bottom may be wiped off before entering a house. Either that, or the cane wouldn’t be used in the house at all. Most elderly people who don’t walk too well that I know just shuffle around the house really slowly, or borrow someone’s arm for that purpose.

As you know yourself, Japanese houses are quite cramped and have lots of small rooms rather than being open-planned, so using wheelchairs and such would be rather difficult.

But as I said, these are all WAGs.