And I learned that while in the emergency room today, checking Facebook while getting fluids and meds.
I went into anaphylaxis for the first time in quite a while. I used one epipen and was heading for the second when I collapsed. Luckily, I had already given 911 my info.
I woke up to emergency folks naming on my door. I told them I was unable to reach the door, so the used the emergency box.
They gave me more epinephrine and Benadryl, got me in the ambulance, started an IV, and got me to the ER.
I left the ER wearing nothing but scrubs because I had vomited several times. I had no keys, and the EMTs had locked my door. I chilled in my hallway for an hour awaiting the on-call maintenance person.
Now, I’m back inside, cleaned up, going to eat a bit and go to bed. I am incredibly sore all over. This was the worst attack I’ve ever had, especially with epipens (before diagnoses,
I did not have Epipens, and there were some scary situations).
I am also restarting my habit of keeping ago bag beside my door just for these occasions.
Probably Naproxen. I had a reaction to it several years ago, but that was also while I had cancer. I don’t actually have allergies, but I have too many mast cells and they sometimes behave badly.
I watched the video from my doorbell this morning. I could only see the EMTs, but I could hear myself. If you’ve ever seen Se7en, well it sounded very much like the scene where Mills realizes what’s in the box.
It’s a very strange thing; my blood oxygen never dropped below 90, my respiration rate was fine, but my entire body was just trying to BREATHE.
Today, my throat is raw, my entire body is sore, but I’m up and about.